Imitation of MARTIN NIEMÖLLER’S poem: "FIRST THEY CAME FOR..." by Marian Casillas, Ed.D

Personal reflection: 

Wrote this in imitation of MARTIN NIEMÖLLER’S poem: "FIRST THEY CAME FOR..."

First they came after the unmasked, and most did not speak out—because they obediently wore a mask everywhere, day-in and day-out, which is now proving to have be ineffective and caused more harm than good.

Then they came after those who refused to lockdown, and most did not speak out—because they obediently remained a prisoner in their own home, which is now proving to have disastrous and damaging effects - socially, physically, psychologically, economically, etc.

Then they came after the unvaccinated, and most did not speak out—because they obediently got injected with all the required shots and boosters, which are now proving to be more harmful and deadly than the disease  they were supposed to prevent or diminish the severity of the illness.

Now they’re coming after the traditional Catholics —and most will not speak out because they obediently believe everything the government tells them to believe, and traditional Catholics should just stop being so ancient and old fashioned and get on board with the new and modern ways of thinking and doing things. 

In a world of automatons, authority is the almighty, and autonomy is to be annihilated.

The government demands that the faithful, traditional Catholics obediently acquiesce to the demonic whims of the wicked or else be persecuted.

Never thought it would be happening in the US, but lots of things we thought unthinkable are happening.

- Marian Casillas, Ed.D.