Liturgy or libertinism

Personal reflection:

From Encyclopedia Britannica:  The tango evolved about 1880 in dance halls and brothels in Buenos Aires, where the Spanish tango, a light-spirited variety of flamenco, merged with the milonga, a fast, sensual, and disreputable Argentine dance; it also shows possible influences from the Cuban habanera.

Reminds me of Salome who danced for the Head of John the Baptist.

This is not a theatrical performance; it is Christ's perfect sacrifice, He is the propitiation for our sins.

In church the focus must be on Divine Worship, not on dancers whirling; we come to church to praise God, not to praise people. 

As you’ll notice not everyone looked pleased with the spectacle or clapped along with all the others.

Let’s not be like seals trained to clap, let’s be conscious of who we are, WHOSE we are, where we are. and why we are clapping.