‘In God We Trust’ Posters Donated by Val Verde County Republican Party to Del Rio Schools Following New Law Mandating Their Display


Posters with the United States’ national motto “In God We Trust” are adorning the halls of schools in Del Rio because of a law passed during 87th Legislative Session in 2021-2022, and thanks to the members of the Val Verde County Republican Party who enthusiastically stepped up and donated the patriotic posters. 

The Texas law, Senate Bill (SB) 797, requires schools to display the motto in a “conspicuous place” if a poster or framed copy of the motto is “donated for display at the school or institution” or “purchased from private donations and made available to the school.” 

Texas State Senator Bryan Hughes, Senate District One in Northeast Texas, co-author of the bill tweeted, “The national motto, In God We Trust, asserts our collective trust in a sovereign God. I’m encouraged to see groups and many individuals coming forward to donate these prints to remind future generations of the national motto.”

Throughout Texas multiple organizations have answered the call including in our own community the Val Verde County Republican Party which delivered over thirty-five (35) “In God We Trust” posters to San Felipe Del Río CISD and also provided a poster to all the Charter schools, private schools, Sacred Heart School and Bible Way. 

Anna Chapman from the Val Verde County Republican Party is pictured distributing the posters, and she  exuberantly reported, “All were very happy to have received a poster”. 

Texas is not the only state with laws related to the public display of the motto. Over a dozen U.S states have similar laws, some mandating the display and others only encouraging its place in schools.

“In God We Trust” has been the United States’ national motto since 1956 when it was codified through legislation. 

The Val Verde County Republican Party is to be commended and congratulated for volunteering to fulfill the new legislative requirement by donating the posters proudly proclaiming our nation’s motto, “In God We Trust” along with a picture of the U.S. and Texas flags prominently displayed.