Do you really want to be An Affirming Ally for Everyone? by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.


Would it be ethically or morally right to perform liposuction on someone with anorexia, because they think they are too fat?

How about removing one eye and one leg on someone who says they’re a pirate, and they feel the need to wear an eye patch and a wooden leg?

How about affirming someone who says they can jump off a skyscraper, because they are wearing a Superman outfit and are convinced they can fly?

How about calling someone Napoleon who believes they are Napoleon, and affirming them by following all their demands when they issue commands as a general?

Would you affirm a drug addict by buying heroin and giving it to them, because they say they need it and you are being an ally who complies with all their wants and wishes?

Would you affirm a pedophile who wants to sexually abuse your child, by leaving your child with them so you will be considered their ally?

Would you affirm an abortionist who wants to kill your baby in the womb by allowing them to murder your child, just so you will be considered their ally, even though you very much want to continue with your pregnancy and give birth to your baby?

If you answered NO to all of these questions, then ask yourself why is it considered affirming and being an ally to call a man who thinks he’s a woman, a woman?

Think about what it really means to be an affirming ally?

- Marian Casillas, Ed.D.