The Department of Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of San Antonio is among the 84 Catholic Dioceses Using Student Evaluation Company NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) Promoting Sexual Perversion Ideologies - Article by Michael Hichborn at Lepanto Institute


The Department of Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of San Antonio is among the 84 Catholic Dioceses Using Student Evaluation Company NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) Promoting Sexually Perverted Ideologies

Article by Michael Hichborn at Lepanto Institute

”Texas dioceses in which NWEA assessments are being used:

Austin, Galveston-Houston, San Antonio

“As part of NWEA’s commitment to DEIA (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility), we are now enabling our partners to use a new gender value (X) for those students who do not identify as male (M) or female (F).”

“NWEA’s firm and unwavering advocacy on behalf of sexual perversions, and its active work to groom, indoctrinate, and propagandize children as young as preschool in homosexual and transgender ideologies have found their way into NWEA assessment tests, curriculum assessments, and recommended classroom adjustments.”

Personal reflection:

As Catholics we’re paying 
to have our children’s 
hearts, minds, and souls poisoned, 
ruining their childhood innocence, 
perverting true Catholic sexual morality, and
endangering the eternal salvation 
of their immortal souls.

Stop promoting vice 
and start perpetuating virtue!