Democrats use Government Boondoggles to Fund Politics by Gene Chapman


Democrats always have more money for politics. They pass boondoggles making their donors rich who in turn fund Democrats with your wasted tax dollars, for more boondoggles.   Labor Unions dominate government, donating almost 100 percent to democrats, keeping their coffers bloated, and your tax bill ever higher.  Democrats always seek to grow government, while Republicans seek limited government, with exception of some RINO’S, but normally seek to expanded economies with lower taxes, creating higher tax collections.  Neither party has been sufficiently interested in debt reduction, with Republican polices having a slight edge.

If our nation is to remain a force for good in the world, we must reverse course, returning with renewed energy to our glorious Founding. It’s not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country, as Kahlil Gibran wrote in The Prophet in 1929.  We must have strong borders, forget this nation destroying Green New Deal Cult making democrat billionaires. We could use our clean 3 to 5-hundred-year supply of fossil fuels, until the world discovers alternative, sufficient power sources. My electricity bill was over $500.00 during the summer heat, so I turned up the thermostat to 78, and took advantage of the cooler night temperatures with opened windows. I could feel sorry for the northeast Massachusetts liberals, now with winter coming, and heating oil up an unaffordable 38 percent, but I don’t.  They asked for it, determined to cram this Green New Deal upon us, feeling all superior over we neanderthals, when they are the real Dilbert’s! So let them choose between heating and eating they caused. Enough of them freeze to death, and they might even learn to be humble, God loving, thoughtful Conservatives, just as all the successful States.

For years they told the minorities, they were the only ones who loved them, with liberal policies breaking up the families, resulting in unloved Fatherless children, now shoving folks under trains, robbing stores in gangs, undisciplined, unpunished by dilbert, liberal prosecuting attorney’s, encouraging more robbing and stealing by not charging them with crimes. My Heart goes out to the children, understanding they never had the security or discipline of a loving family, as humanity demands!

 I remember one little wide eyed, handsome little three-year-old boy who visited our business weekly with his mother, who I always recognized by name, with encouraging words. One day he just walked into my office, and made himself at home, which I really enjoyed. He was about five when I departed, thinking I would never see him again. Years later Anna suggested that we take our three-year-old for a picnic at the Tardy Dam. A handsome little older boy, who I didn’t recognize, approached us, playing with our son. We offered him food, so he ate with us, and I knew he was familiar for some reason. As we were preparing to leave, telling him goodbye, he flat torn my heart out, asking if I was his father. Then, I knew him, but I didn’t know what to say, overcome with emotional indecision. I’M still disappointed with myself for not getting his contacting point, but his question just floored me. I still regret it. I thought of him when the horrific Uvalde school massacre occurred, and I learned the boy had no father, his mother was on drugs, living in another town, and he lived with his grandparents, never having a bed of his own.

Well, our nation doesn’t have a bed of its own today! Illegal immigration for voters, communist inspired gender bender woke stupidity, that can only make a distant impersonal, bureaucratic Daddy government in faraway Washington D.C. with unthinking control of your life!  On yeah, Daddy is going to give you up to ten trillion dollars, that can only result in galloping inflation, making a dollar worth hopefully 80 cents, and the masses hungrier, remembering free market capitalism’s plenty. Daddy is so smart, he’s gonna make you buy a sixty-thousand-dollar electric automobile you can’t afford, while the wind, and sun powered grid, cannot fully support household requirements, much less automobiles and trucking electricity. It only makes baby formula’s short, plus empty store shelves. It’s got to make you remember, most dangerously, the good old days when gas was $1.87 gallon, and you had enough money left over to make Mommie delirious with a surprise bouquet of roses and attend a few Cowboy games. Good gracious, five or six foxhounds is just out of the question!!

Daddy is now running the Department of Injustice and the FBI, and he decides who is a criminal and who is saint, based solely on which team you are on, having absolutely nothing to do with facts. He’s trying to take your gun, while arming 87,000 more new IRS agents, to take whatever the bureaucracy thinks they need, to live in the luxury they have grown accustomed too. Have you heard? Momma Hillary wants to come back., and help Daddy run it so much better. The way they now run election; she can’t lose, even if she tried, unless we really watch them. Everything seems OK because the daddy unions have run the schools so long and not too many can read, write, do arithmetic, or remember history, because they have been reeducated, just like Daddy and Mommie wanted them to think. They won’t know the difference.

It makes me so thankful for my loving parents who raised us to love one another, disciplined us to work on the farm at an early age. Today it would be child abuse, but we all did good, owning a thousand-acre farm, building hundred-acre subdivisions, one on the Rockefeller Christmas invite list, all self-sufficient giving back, never taking.  Our parents believed in spare the rod, spoil the child, when lovingly needed, and it worked. It’s against the law today, called forced child labor.

It’s a real changed America today, running on hate, division, and raw political, lawless power! When they shout at me, I can’t believe you voted for Trump with red faces, clenched teeth, a millimeter short of a self-induced, hatred heart attack I explain it all. I didn’t vote for Trump. I voted to save America. Trump invited God to come back, guiding us back to our Founders intentions, and you weasels can’t allow that, because you, in your small, evil calculating ignorance think you must be God, having complete power. Our Founders gave us a second Amendment Right to bear arms to protect us against little thinkers just like you. They gave us our First Amendment right of freedom of speech for the same reason.  You could never win your argument for total repressive power, so you and your slimy little media friends. power hungry Deep State bureaucrats, and rich supporting thieves, band together to make stolen elections politically correct. Then you trash the rights of truthful speech, making it so politically incorrect up to the desperation of an FBI creating crimes for honest citizens, daring to swim upstream against the tide of your low life, nation destroying sleaze. I’m voting to protect our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our Constitutional Republic, and our nation saving Electoral College. I’m voting for respectful law and order, and Federal Judges supporting and honoring our Constitution and Bill of Rights that made us the greatest nation in all of history, kind, benevolent, with blindfolded justice for the least among us. I’m voting for legal immigration, jobs for America, formidable military strength keeping the peace, and for every scheming crook going to jail, without a statute of limitations. I’m voting for no more soul-destroying sex trafficking, no more China /Mexico fentanyl killing thousands of our young, our sick perverted society living on instant gratification, never to be fulfilled, dying young in hopelessness. Bringing back polices rewarding two parent loving families, gentle discipline, knowing you may not have much, but you had so much more than the material wealth of the paupers, with shiny things and hopeless hearts.   Our evening, free front porch college, taught me Calvin Coolidge’s roaring twenties economics, while soaking in soul stirring sunset in the cooling breeze, hearing the first cries of the Whippoorwills of the night announcing their territories against all comers. It would have been imperfect if Roosevelt had given all young boys free Jim Dandy dog feed for his fox hounds, in a government program. I loved the dignity of picking more cotton than my hounds could possibly eat, with a proud contented soul, having everything I needed and more.

Have I said too much America?  I still love you and hope you love me.  I didn’t mention Trump too much, but we do think alike. Besides you leftist criminals are losing this fight. It all started years ago when our dearest friend, Democrat Olga Gutierrez helped us make Henry Bonilla our first border Republican Congressman. We now have three beautiful Hispanic women, all with a great chances of winning Republican border seats! I tried for thirty years to tell you that Hispanics were never democrats, but it took Joe Biden to finally punch the message home. Hispanics honor God, family, overzealously entrepreneurial, willing to do anything to make life better for their children. The Trump Republican Party stands loudly, proudly with them, determined to make America great again. I am so proud we have 68 minority office seekers of all shades, many women, seeking Republican higher office across our changing country. It’s time we lift our country up from the bottom as Trump’s economy did, for the first time, with a higher percentage at the bottom than the usual scheming, thieving insider top!

Hello. The FBI! Who is my lawyer? Allen Dershowitz, you communist, nation destroying, power hungry criminal----well let the fight begin----I have a front porch degree in nation saving Jujitsu that Bruce Lee never knew about---The Plime Blank truth!

Gene Chapman