A Red Wave of Constitutional Republic is coming by Gene Chapman


A Red Wave of Constitutional Republic is coming

Hold fast patriots, we are winning! Your first Amendment right of free speech is coming home. Elon Musk appears to be buying Twitter and plans to reinstate Trump’s ability to tweeter away to the great dismay of the Democrats who could never win an honest argument, resorting to silencing opposition as the only way they could win! They have mafia like mugged, Republican conservative free speech, allowing only far left liberal indoctrinating speech to be heard, and they are still losing with nation killing policies, making the masses dependent upon government in slavery!! America is beginning to understand the misery of Hope and Change in big government socialism, leading to one party Communism (Dim-a- crat) rule, and they are choking, kicking, and screaming, frantic to rush back to our world dominant Constitutional Republic under God, in nation healing, God Blessed growing Middle-Class opportunity society in individual opportunity FREEDOM!

I can smell the truth prevailing over the FBI’s seventh floor management, after years of cowed politically incorrect silence. It was Machiavellian injustice, apprehensive about political signs on your car or your yard because you weren’t exactly sure it wouldn’t result in destructive mischief. Just two weeks ago a teenager was killed.  He attended a school sponsored street dance, daring to speak well of Trump to the wrong 40-year-old leftist sycophant who attacked him. He called his mother to come and get him, because the nut case wouldn’t leave him alone, but she was too late. The guy was chasing him in his car, and he ran down an alley as I understood it to avoid him, but the Trump hater ran over him, killing him.  He left the scene but returned later to tell the police it was an accident. He didn’t spend even an hour in jail, out on bail just as the hundreds of ANTIFA/BLM businesses burnings, and lootings, law officer injuring, Trump hating rioters did for the entire year of 2020, as the good guys. The mainstream media didn’t cover the teenager’s death, not only did they not care, more importantly it didn’t fit their agenda.  I only knew because of the alternative media but haven’t heard a word since. Some mothers, so heartbreakingly grieve alone, but this injustice is far from the intent of our Founding Fathers. It is plainly sub-human.

I watched China Dictator Xi hours long address to hundreds of ruling Communist Party members. Every party member was dressed in the exact suit, and knotted tie, same haircuts as robots in an exact row. They sat steely eyed silent at attention, listening intently to the great leader’s words, breaking out in military precision cheering exactness, as if on command. I was once a proud Navy Corpsman, assigned to the Marine Corps. I admired greatly the Marines spit shined shoes, precision exactness marching, and undying devotion to one’s duty, marching with them. We marched spiffily proud, every step honoring our benevolent Founding Fathers. We had reason to be proud of America, certainly different, with the promise of Lady Liberties blindfolded justice, greeting all comers in the harbor.  

While the Communist were disciplined also, I could sense an exaggeration in movement, suggesting to me a fear of the all-powerful, over pride in one’s nation. Just imagine a prison, with a dress code, demanding exact sameness equality, and punishment up to death for those daring to dream big dreams, not approved by the Party. The ten percent Communist Party members oversee your life, and the Dictator oversees theirs, leaving ninety percent of the immense human potential to whiter and die on the vine, without a voice or chance of individuality. They have camera’s everywhere, using computer eye identification as fingerprints, spying on devotion to the Party, deducting points for jay walking etc.to determine one’s deportment score as a good Communist. They watch everybody exactly as Obama’s and Biden’s Department of Injustice and FBI watched Trump, finding, or creating a crime, while they had a get out of jail free pass. It informs the Party of those who best obey the Party rules to be trusted for advancement, without a conscious. For that very reason they only have dreams to make the Party Happy. They don’t produce advanced weapons of war or go to the moon on their own. They send students to America to learn, but mostly steal our secrets, reproducing our entrepreneurial greatness with precision, unable to dream on their own.

Donald Trump’s is the greatest danger to Communism, having solid Fs on his Communist report card. He loved entrepreneurial dreams of all races, creeds, or color, making different thinking millionaires out of 6000 of them. In four years, different thinking Trump build a record Middle Class in comforts, and a second four years would have been multiplied by the first four years. They had to steal the election. He loved different ideas leading to ever more affluent societies, being different himself. Instead of sameness in chains of slavery, he opened wide the limitless Golden Gates of opportunities and peace in the world. Roosevelt talked of a chicken in every pot, but never produced it, believing in ever growing, sure to fail government programs, run by the Deep State bureaucrats making decisions for you in the dumbed down power of ignorance. Plus, Roosevelt never answered a single prayer of the most downtrodden, who worshiped him.

Little wonder that in short order America became the most dominate nations in the world! Our Constitution made us the world’s first Constitutional Republic with equal but divided powers, but never a Greek or Roman Democracy capable of voting for a living, as today’s democrats seek to do. Today’s modern world, with unimaginable comforts are a direct result of American ingenuity in freedom, and Capitalism’s warm embrace. We know how to be great. Smaller government, lower taxes with policies rewarding entrepreneurial, and business success. It’s only when government puts its foot on the neck of self-help individual productivity, with grossly overspending programs intended to keep the masses on the plantation of slavery, do we have the cruelest tax of all, runaway, unescapable inflation. That’s exactly what Biden Did!!

How many trillions have the democrats sent out to individuals, to subsidize the Covid/Education shutdowns they purposely demanded, with punishment for rejecting rebels? Four, five, six or ten trillion, in must pass continuing resolutions, or the world comes to an end with a government shutdown! I wanted to send my subsidy check back, and I’m so proud of my nephew who did send his back, with a note of where to stick it, because he didn’t have a wife.  Biden purposely removed every Trump policy taking America to the mountain top in plenty, replacing them with democrat policies putting Trump hating government bureaucrats back in charge of your life, in barely enough, closing the Golden Gates of unimaginable plenty in hurricanes of capitalist’s individual freedoms, that can never fail.

I see the cavalry coming, just over the November 8th horizon.  I can only be wrong, if they steal it again, and anything is possible with desperate people, seeking absolute power. I don’t want to hate anyone, as I have been hated.  I want to love all mankind, only changing them with words and truthful ideas. Every mistake must teach us something, otherwise it’s hopeless. This time it really is for the children, and you really are going to lose your social security if we don’t reverse course in this election. You will be voting with the majority, as only 27 percent of the nation thinks we are on the right road, despite what the louder media shouts from the mountaintops. We all need to be on America’s team, being great again for a hundred more years!

We have several great candidates, but we must elect the one who will cut the heart of communism out of our future. He has a list of America’s enemies to cure the disease, and the strength to do it.  You know who it is. Vote for him and let’s save the greatest nation in the history of humankind.

Gene Chapman