It’s Pure Hatred Against Future Greatness by Gene Chapman


The greatest nation in world history, founded upon Christian values is, struggling to survive, pitted against desperate unprincipled, godless, secularism in slavery of socialism that can only lead to pure Communism.

America, with full comforts in the freedom of limitless opportunities, based upon individual dreams of chance taking entrepreneurs for deserved wealth, raced to world dominance. It was a new kind of government, a Constitutional Republic with checks and balances, never a democracy. Human proclivities, in democracies, always eventually vote for a living, dying on the vine of starvation.

Once America had blindfolded Lady Liberty in the New York harbor welcoming the world to a new world of justice; it was not for sell, a law and order dispensed by the book with the same yardstick for rich and poor in sameness, making all mankind equal. The world’s strongest humanity rushed to America to follow their dreams, and our modern world of today began, going to the moon on the way to Mars, nuclear bombs, unimaginable comforts for the masses, and expanded life expectancy.

The Stagecoach industry died with automobiles, and railroad trains delivered freight everywhere. Even delivering Judge Roy Beans dream of real beauty, Lilly Langtry, to desolate Langtry, Texas, where Bean was dispensing his unlearned version of western justice.

Now adopted by our previous and this administration desperately determined to remove Trump permanently from politics, by hook or crook.  

Trump’s crime? Brazenly taking America back to its wondrous Founding as a Constitutional Republic under God.

I wrote editorials, violently opposing his nomination in the beginning, but flat out fell in love with his pristine policies, taking us back to the greatness of our Founding. It wasn’t easy to do, with Hillary and the Obama administration spying on his every action, from his campaign until the very end.  

I’ll take an honest loudmouth patriot any day, over a soft talking lying, scheming revolutionary, transforming America into a permanent Democrat slave State, never losing another election.  

In a well checked Republic, mankind can rise in freedom to ones highest aspiration. In communism, one can only rise as high as their devotion to the current Dictator, under constant surveillance for any wavering tendencies, and public hangings.

They have made God politically incorrect, exactly as they are attempting to take away your first Amendment right of free speech. They flat out stole the 2020 election, but if you write, think, or say it, the perverted portion of the FBI could come knocking on your door.

But thanks be to God, for the honest whistleblowers are coming forward as patriots, seeking only the blindfolded justice of our Founding. The worm is turning, and we must all jump aboard, if we are to be great again, working feverously for honest, future elections. 

There are always two sides to every story, but my Other Side has been mainly silenced with minor exceptions. Fox on the news side only, Newsmax full out, still carrying Trumps thousand person’s happy rallies, and numerous Blogs and underground chance taking entities, under constant government surveillance.

The FBI blocked in the pillow guy last week at Hardies drive through, taking his phone. What world shaking reason did they have for discerning who he was talking with?  Likely not a failure to pay taxes, but an innocent conversation with a former president, or subjects thereabout? It was a blatant success for oppression, of thoughts.  It sent a scary message, that if you are Trump’s friend; you could be in serious trouble, with a possibility of bankruptcy with lawyer fees. None of this would be allowed with blindfolded Lady Liberty justice.

What are they so afraid of? A booming, successful, honest, America with a rapidly growing, massive middle class, including Blacks, Hispanics, Woman with equal opportunities. That leaves no major voter blocks behind, for the Democrats to divide and conquer in pure hatred, maliciously winning elections, using whatever it takes!

These people are desperate for permanent control. They understand they can never have control with ever higher taxes and lower living standards. So, they usurp the Constitution, illegally changing State law, putting paid vote harvester collection boxes on the darkest streets; anything to control and enslave America in the arms of their false promises and pure evil. They work under cover with our enemies to subvert America, while accusing Trump of doing exactly what they are doing.

See unpublicized Special Counsel Durham’s charges against Russian citizen Igor Danchenko, now residing in Virginia.  He was Hillary’s, paid for, primary contributor to Trumps false Russian collusion bombshell, costing millions, exploding as a contrived dud, with his trial soon coming! Too make matters even worse, Danchenko was a paid informant of Obama’s and Hillary’s Department of Injustice, at the FBI.

The last contrived criminality of the Hillary-Obama years, after the stolen election, is the fake Trump Jan 6 insurgency. Just last weekend, Newsmax had an hour-long exposure of January 6th that I almost wrote verbatim, in my weekly editorial in the old Del Rio News Herald as it happened, from memory.

I instinctively knew from years of supervisory prison work, producing modern vaccines that the rioters and agitators invading the Capitol, had no chance of being patriotic Republicans from Trump’s rally, which I watched.  
Republicans never riot, loot, and kill like Democrats did in 2020, in hate Trump overdrive, costing America billions. We, most all respect the rule of law and understand the loss of burned businesses and Court Houses. I wrote at the time, it was ANTIFA or BLM revolutionary with the handheld loudspeaker, agitating the crowd, with prison language, to break and enter the Capitol, and cause mayhem. They were mostly dressed in ANTIFA Black, wearing red Trump MAGA caps backwards.

The Trump crowd, just arriving from his rally on the nearby Capitol grounds, shouted no, no.  But a few did thoughtlessly join the agitators at the Capitol door.  An uproar from the crowd, and the guy with the loudspeaker emerged, excitedly shouting to the crowd, “see they shot her, this is her blood on my hand” holding it up to the crowd to see. “Let’s go in there and git em” he shouted to the crowd. 

We later learned he was John Sullivan, from Utah, a professional ANTIFA/BLM revolutionary. He was paid well over $200,000 by CNN and NBC, perhaps others, for his agitating role in Jan. 6.   

Google Ray Epps, an FBI agent wearing a Trump cap, encouraging Trump supporters at his rally, before the riots, encouraging them to enter the Capitol with some saying no no, fed fed. All the people in the Capitol, wearing Black with most wearing backward red Trump caps, were said to be Government imposters, for identification. I remember the first 10 to 15, first to break through the first door, being so dressed. The FBI made a scene about punishing each Sullivan and Epps, but each are free, never suffering as the hundreds of real innocent Trump supporters have.

The back door was opened by the capitol Police, inviting all to enter the Capitol, even shoving some in against their will. I watched the video. 

They were peaceful, strolling in the Capitol as Anna and I once did as guest of the Borders very first Republican ‘Congressman, our friend Henry Bonilla. They even allowed me to make an un-heard one minute speech on the floor, and I really told them how the cows eat the cabbage to silence.  But these innocent Trump supporters were all FBI gathered up as insurgents, determined to overthrow the government with not a single Capitol Officer dying, and not a single gun found in the insurgency.

There are alleged to be, near 900 prisoners from across America, still held in mass solitary confinement in Washington D.C. without bail, awaiting trial for misdemeanor trespassing AT THE CAPITAOL ON JANUARY 6th!

We know of one who lost an eye from a prison beating, for the sin of praying for a fellow prisoner in distress and called a false prophet. One lady is slowly dying from lack of cancer treatment; one just gave up, committing suicide. And most sickeningly, ALL would be out on bail if they were 2020 Democrat paid protestors, killing, looting, and burning America, in a hate Trump frenzy.

They were 99 percent innocent Trump supporters, harming no one, but Nancy Pelosi would not dare release the film in transparency for the world to see.  It’s just the last fake thing they’ve got, to prevent Trump from making America Great Again, and preventing, permanent leftist destruction of America’s future. The FBI can find.

The FBI could find every Trump supporter in the in the Capitol, but they couldn’t find who built the VP Mike Pence hanging scaffold on Capitol grounds, under their nose, or the identity of the videoed bomber who left bombs at Republican, and Democrat Washington headquarters to make it Trump’s insurgency. Perhaps it was only too close to home? 

They never talk about Trump insisting that Pelosi ask for ten thousand National Guard troops on January fourth and fifth, before the riot, and Pelosi refused.

One FBI whistleblower said, essentially the FBI was breaking their own rules to create a “false news narrative.” They were taking agents from Child Sex Trafficking and using them to escalating cases that could be used for Trump’s JANUARY 6TH HANGING.  

Congressman Jim Jordan called the agents firing retaliatory. It was all a sinister attempt, to paint all Trumps’ MAGA supporters as extremely dangerous, and a false narrative for Pelosi’s failing Trump Jan6 impeachment efforts. Remember Biden screaming MAGA extremist, as inflation soared on the White House grounds? It’s all coordinated hog wash.

Joe Biden and the national media have been calling MAGA Trump supporters the evilest persons in history, needing to pay a price for arranged Jan. 6th. 

Forty-one-year-old Democrat Shannon Brandt admits to running over, and killing Republican teenager Cayler Ellingson, after an organized street dance, over a political dispute.  Cayler desperately called his mother to come and get him because someone was chasing him. Cayler sadly admitted to being a MAGA Republican, and now Brandt is using that for the reason he killed him. It’s not national news, because they THINK like Brant did; just one more MAKE AMERIC GREAT AGAIN MAGA voter who didn’t live long enough to vote for Trump in 2024. 

Republicans never burned anything, never shot a Democrat Congressman practicing for their annual baseball charity game.  But they are killers, as the real killers are out on bond?

Gene Chapman