Hoax Number 587 or so by Gene Chapman


It’s a national security threat emergency that must be acted upon immediately! Trump could still be colluding with the Russians, selling them America’s secrets because he lost a billion dollars for being president.  All his kids closed their businesses; because the media was afraid one of them would travel with him to China and come away with $1.5 billion interest in a gifted hedge fund like Hunter.  So, Attorney General Merrick Garland got right on it without informing the President, the National Security Advisor, CIA, Secretary of State, IRS all part of the Executive Committee responsible for America’s Security? I don’t think he even took time to inform the national Dog Catcher, but I’m not sure. The warrant was issued by a hate Trump, love Obama Magistrate, August 6th, but the emergency raid was a week end later the on 8th, saving the world from a sure nuclear disaster, because Hillary said Trump was colluding with the Russians.

The Trump August 8, 2022, raid was the same day the Woodward and Bernstein heroes caused the first most dangerous man in history, Republican Richard Nixon, to resign from office in 1974. And now this raid, on the same date 48 years later, was going to put the second most dangerous man, Republican Donald Trump away for good. He had classified nuclear materials in his presidential papers he had blanket declassified as president!!

It was early June 2022, and AG Garland had sent his trusty FBI to Mar-a-Logo, Florida to spend a few days inventorying all the Presidential records, Trump had stored in his Florida home. Trump’s lawyers welcomed them, assisting when asked, cooperating without complaints. Trump dropped in for a brief chat, telling them anything you want, just take it, and departed. The FBI left, advising them to put an extra lock on storage room, just to make sure they were safe from crooks, and   the Trump lawyers complied. No big deal.

On August 8th the FBI returned with a huge convoy, blinking lights and noise galore, helicopters in the air, frogmen in the water, and ships in the Bay. No way was Trump going to escape, but he wasn’t even there, sleeping soundly in his New York Trump Towers. Somehow a Trump lawyer was notified with nappy in her eyes, asking what’s going on. They showed her a warrant; she said OK and attempted to accompany them. They firmly informed her she was not allowed inside, so she stood outside awaiting developments. One nice agent took her a glass of water in the afternoon. Somehow, Eric Trump learned of the raid, and notified his father, I think around noon.

The FBI disabled the appropriate security cameras and spent nine hours with thirty agents reexamining the same presidential papers they had examined in June, plus much more. They broke into Trump’s locked safe, and found it emptier than Geraldo found Al Capone’s, with an empty whiskey bottle in it. They searched Melania’s closet, checking each garment for incriminating evidence. I couldn’t help but to remember the stories of the first FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover being a cross dresser. He was a democrat and spied on Rev. Martin Luther King, leaking some bad stories on early civil rights leaders to the media, making it difficult.

Lo and behold, they found all kinds of highly classified nuclear papers, the highest felony crime possible, they must have missed on the June examination! With Trump colluding with Russia, with a history of spending a week at China’s Forbidden City with president Xi, they had missed it in June--- ---??Well, really peace and prosperity.  Obama’s CIA Director Hayden instantly claimed, it was a crime worthy of a quick death penalty, like the spying executed Rosenberg’s in 1954. He knew Trump had evil intentions to profit someway with this bombshell classified pilfered secret! It was the most danger time and crime in history, but they waited three days before filing charges, and were so worried the media might accused them of being a spy, liking Trump or something, forgetting in the confusion, that they were democrats too, and Woodward and Bernstein always protected Democrats. They were only interested in Republican crooks, wanting to make America great with less government and lower taxes. Bernstein’s parents were known Communist, and I’m not sure Woodward even had parents, so elevated in history.  Just two days before the raid, C-Span had a two-hour documentary, reminding America how out of this world great they were, keeping them Republican crooks honest and all. Trump is now on a sure road to the seventh floor FBI, revamping justice missions!

Now lower your voice and let me tell you something. Trump did not personally choose the items in his presidential papers. It was chosen for him by a GSA archivist, who understands the law. I bet you two dead road lizards, and one live skunk that Trump had wasn’t aware of the classified material. But I’ll bet you 599 live skunks, and two lame road lizards that Trump is the most hated man by the deep state in all of history.  He and his lawyers have cooperated fully, telling the FBI to take whatever they wanted, and most likely didn’t know the crime of eons was even there, calling for his execution.

Some have suggested that if Trump is convicted of mishandling classified material, he could not run again for president.  Not true.  Congress did pass such a law, but the Supreme Court ruled neither Congress nor state governments could legislate new and additional rules for running for Congress, which most certainly applies to the presidency. But there is no doubt this raid is all about finding some way in desperation to prevent him from running again, some way associated with the democrat’s ploy of January 6th.

It is worth notating That Hillary violated the same statue the FBI is charging on Trump, only worse. His violations if any, was almost certain an accident, or a sick trick, with no adverse harm done with a safely kept highly classified material under lock and key. Hers had many more highly classified materials on a private, non-governmental computer purposely, to avoid the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), spread to her employee’s computers, and hacked by a foreign government enemy. Wasn’t the subpoenaed computer and phone she hammered; government issued?  And the FBI didn’t care, giving her and her staff immunity, so some future crooked Republican Administration couldn’t bother her with subpoenas and investigations.  She was a real good democrat!

The FBI so sadly has established a reputation of being an arm of the democrat Party, with absolutely no interest in Lady Liberty’s blindfolded Justice. You have seen it with Hillary, recently with Hunter Biden who they refused to prosecute with obvious crimes of foreign money, drugs, and prostitution. Trump’s kids had to close their businesses because the FBI was accusing them that their success was attributable to being a sidling of President Donald Trump, violating some statute. They didn’t starve, but they honestly lost their right to earn honest money, now with employees unable to feed their children.  America, you ought to be sick of this! Don’t riot, burn, and kill like revolutionary democrats do, but peacefully vote by so many people, they can’t steal it, like Governor Candidate Kari Lake said and did in Arizona, new record winning every County, supposed to lose by the latest polls.

Most America didn’t know ANTIFA, and BLACK LIVES MATTER were each Marxist organization, supported by the Obama administration, most ably assisted by Chicago Hillary Clinton.  They together stuck the hive of final change in the heart of American impartial Justice. They molded the FBI seventh floor into mere servants with Machiavellian schemes, making the guilty innocent, and the innocent guilty as chess playing masters. These same Obama/Hillary players are scheming now to murder Trump’s future, with their louder media carrying their scummy water. But America doesn’t trust them, feeling the difference in recent Trump policies and the far lefts burdensome cruelty that can only grow, with more socialist disincentives.

Fifty-six (56) rank and file FBI stations across America are sick of it to, embarrassed. FBI whistle blowers are talking to honest Republican Senators. They are proud, honorable people, painted with an undeserved brush. It’s the seventh floor of the FBI building, where all the leaders reside, and they must go away to the very last person. We can do it by electing House and Senate Republicans, getting rid of a dozen moneygrubbing RINO’s, and re-reelecting Donald Trump, saving America’s future!  He already has a list of thousands of Deep Staters who must go away!  God Bless the most honorable America I once knew!

Gene Chapman