Today is more than ridiculous. This is not America. This is the Chicago mob running our kind, and gracious country, with Al Capone rules. We were once a nation of highest morality, with the rule of law and order unquestioned. We live today in a Woodward and Bernstein era, only interested in finding or creating a crime on Trump, while circling wagons of protection for Hillary, the Biden crime family, all in for far-left democrats or socialist. They are working to transform America into something she was never intended to be, a secular anti God nation, only answerable to an all-powerful government. To do so, they must have easy elections to steal, with unguarded election drop boxes on the darkest streets, in democrat precinct, never again losing another election. Do you understand, Communist never lose elections, even when they actually do. We must have easier to vote, but harder to cheat elections we can trust, if we are to survive. Ever wondered why, whe...