They are Really Changing America by Gene Chapman


The Capitol police were warned by Homeland Security and District of Columbia police of potential violence, two weeks before the Jan 6th riots. Why did Pelosi, and the Mayor of D.C. refuse Trump’s offer of 20,000 National Guard Troops to keep the Capitol safe on Jan.4th? Did Nancy Pelosi, in charge of the Capitol by our Constitution, only have half the normal Capitol police force on duty? What kind of a deal was this, with deadly braggadocios threats on Facebook advising, let them shoot first then return fire? Absolutely, bring your gun, sling it over your back, and wear a big puffy coat, if you have too. Then, not a single Capitol rioter was charged with having a gun, or insurgency, but Jan. 6th was the darkest day, in all our history. It would have never happened if Pelosi had accepted Trump’s offer of the National Guard.

In their last no opposition allow, illegal hearing, they still claimed a Capitol police officer was killed, a lie. Only one Trump supporter died, a weaponless 115-pound Air Force veteran Lady patriot, shot by Capitol Police Lt. Byrd, still without an investigation.  

This Administration, aided by a sprinkling of RINO’s, despise our Christian, Patriotic America I once knew. It is Hillary’s, Obama’s, Pelosi’s, deep State government of lies, myths, deception, hate-filled, with false narratives, carried by a corrupted, leftist media. It began to change with Woodward/Bernstein’s investigative journalism. They could have been real heroes, but they are only interested in investigating conservatives. Instead of investigating Hunter Biden’s crime-filled forgotten computer, they called it Russian disinformation. The Biden crime family have multiple accounts of big money received from China, and Russia, our enemies, but nobody is interested to see if they are compromised. They are politically correct democrats.

The FBI has Hunter’s computer, and are not releasing it, protecting the president’s son. Thank God, Rudy Giuliani had a copy of it. On last April 28, FBI agents raided Trumps friend, Rudy Giuliani, and seized 18 electric devices, looking for information to make him or Trump criminals. Rudy offered them a copy of Hunter’s computer, if they wanted to find a real criminal. The FBI refused to take it! Rudy’s lawyer, Robert Costello, called it “legal thuggery.” Rudy is the guy who put five Mob bosses in jail, who had a contract out to kill him. He is best known, for making New York City livable as Mayor, but the Democrats have plainly taken it back.

Do any of you remember The Proud Boys, or The Oath Keepers burning or looting anything. I’m an admitted right-wing patriot and had to google them for information. The Proud Boys have never killed anyone, but the Pelosi dog and pony show would have you believe they would have killed Mike Pence, if they had found him. There was a hanging platform on the Capitol grounds, but nobody is sure who built it. It could have been Pelosi. She spent millions building razer topped fences, to keep nonexistent Trump killers out of the Capitol grounds after January 6th, most foolishly. Two Proud Boys were attacked by democrat protected ANTIFA, and they proudly beat the crap out of the whole bunch, within an inch of their life. I hope they didn’t experience arthritis in their knuckles later. But they all survived to loot, burn, and intimidate the meek thereafter.

The Oath Keepers accept all races, gays, with a Black president, and are a non-partisan association of current, and formally serving military, police, and first responders. That appears to be a life sustaining group, rather than the killers the Democrats, and media would have you believe. Far Right extremist are more likely to help older Ladies cross the street safely than, hurt anybody, and anybody voting for Trump is a far-right wing extremist.

Remember the plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer? There were six of them, and twelve FBI infiltrators. They were known as the Wolverine Watchmen. One informant, from Milwaukee, allegedly help to organize the first meeting, where the first inkling of a kidnapping plot first surfaced. He used government funds to purchase hotel rooms, food enticing people to attend. Another under cover agent advised them how to blow up the bridge, and get away, promising to provide the explosives. While they acknowledge attending the training sessions, they said there was no conspiracy to harm the Governor and did not. They testified that they were just big talkers but would never back up their big talk. One isolated guy agreed to pled guilty for a reduced sentence and received a life sentence. The remaining five plead not guilty, claiming entrapment, and were found innocent.  

Just now, I am hearing that pencil neck Rep. Adam Schiff’s staff, invited some of Steven Colbert’s staff to enter the Capitol, and they were beating on Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and Jim Jordans Republican office doors, without proper papers. I suppose to terrify them, and were arrested, spending the night in jail. Are the Democrats going to send them to PRISON without the possibility of bonding out, for misdemeanor trespassing, as they did hundreds of Trump supporters? One, I know, committed suicide, and one died mysteriously, having to do with medications he was unable to acquire, from memory. 

I listened to the C-span call in this morning. They were celebrating Nixon’s Watergate fall from grace, implying that all Republicans were crammed full of Watergate DNA. I couldn’t help but think, maybe it’s over, listening to unlearned callers, joining the thoughtless louder voiced propaganda. Then here came Bob Woodward, claiming our Democracy was in grave danger today, because of that crook Donald Trump. I wanted to puke ---in his face.  He apparently does not understand we are not a {Demo}cracy, we are a Constitutional Republic under God.  If we were a democracy, California, New York, and Chicago professional criminals, would have voted us out of existence long ago, for easy living free stuff.

I wish I could have asked Woodward, if Nixon took his daughter with him, to make billion-dollar deals, selling America’s future to China’s Communist Party, while Nixon was opening the door of diplomatic and trade relations with China, heralded then as a great Statesman. After he told me what a crook Nixon was, I would ask him why he, and his friends didn’t see anything wrong with Biden taking Hunter with him to China, raking in a fortune, selling America’s future? 

Google insinuated that Trump was as big a crook as Nixon. Nixon was never accused of crooked money, died as a poor man when compared to other same status politicians. Trump must be the cleanest politician in all of history, being under constant microscopic democrat crime creating surveillance, finding nothing. What other president can you name who left office a billion dollars poorer, than when he arrived.  It drives the nation stealing Democrats crazy.

I have believed, and voiced for years, that the Hispanic community are natural Republicans. The young lady, Mayra Flores, born in Mexico, coming legally to America at age six, who won a seat in Congress from McAllen, standing solidly upon Republican values validates my long-held beliefs. She is one of eight Latinas, six of them women, who could be Republican winners in 2022. She is the first female Hispanic to win a border seat, joining Henry Bonilla as the first male in history. I dropped and broke my Henry Bonilla campaign coffee cup, I used for many years, and would love to have a Mayra Flores cup to finish out my allotted time. It makes me feel that our Republic is worth saving, and will be, against the odds. 


Gene Chapman