If you can’t beat Em Cheat Em by Gene Chapman

One hears talk of Recession everywhere. Who can blame them with inflation decades high, and a global supply chain in disarray?  A war raging in Ukraine, with shakiest ever American leadership, and the Dow down near five thousand points, the S&P 500, and Nasdaq down at similar percentages. When America most needs steady leadership, we have the most unstable leadership in our history, bald faced lying, telling us these are the best of times. For many years the mainstream (MSM) has spoon fed America a steady diet of leftist propaganda, now seeking to make the Biden family criminality go away by not reporting it and attacking anyone who does to shut them up. They are doing their best to make the manipulated January 6 Capitol Insurgency a Trump led conspiracy, but the truth will prevail perhaps before, but certainly after the midterm elections. Today, sixty seven percent of America want Joe Biden impeached if Hunter’s corruption is proven, evidence of understanding the unspeakable truth.

Recent polls find 52 % of Latinos now support Republicans, finally understanding the left offered them only poverty, but remembering the new business they created under Trump, with lower taxes and doubled child deduction, and the dignity of a growing economy in Trump’s America.

 I remember a phone call years ago from the Austin American Statesman editorial board, asking why Val Verde County was voting Republican in State and National elections? I told them Hispanics are natural Republicans. They are entrepreneurial to a fault, proudly patriotic, hard workers with strongest family values.  Today, the entire border is leaning Republican, thanks to Biden’s economy killing polices. The Black community is no longer voting blindly Democrat, with a growing number of Republican office holders. Two potential presidential candidates are Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, and Congressman Bryan Donald, of Florida who understand that a growing economy in freedom, lifts all boats with a thriving Middle Class, as it did under Trump’s polices.    

It's a new day in America, and it’s now Trump’s Republican party. While Democrat polices kept poor people on government assistance to control their votes, Trump polices sought to raise all humankind to the highest level of affluence within their capabilities. Trump polices, in four years produced a record growing middleclass, almost six thousand new millionaires, while Obama polices, in eight years, produce well less than two thousand, many if not most, deep state bureaucrats or office holders doing insider trading. Nancy Pelosi is worth over 300 million bucks and doesn’t have to worry about a liberal media every questioning how she made it.  She is a democrat, and the media is only interested in finding a parking ticket on Trump and failing.

Biden is taking us back to Obama polices by his handlers, George Soros, and one world socialism without dreams.  The Democrats could not afford a second Trump presidency, understanding that America in good times, would never go back to the chains of rancid cheese free stuff, so they stole the 2020 election. Biden's election defined understanding. His candidacy was not anchored around plans for American greatness, mostly “I’m not Trump” from his basement.  I, as most America did, including Trump, went to bed thinking Trump won with an unsurmountable lead. The next morning, I went to check the mail and a neighbor came, I thought likely a Democrat, excitedly exclaiming they stole the election from Trump! And today everything that should be up is down, and everything that should be down is up! You will eventually get the truth I believe, but if you don’t its goodbye for the America Dream.

I am firmly convinced, had Trump been our president, Putin would never have dared invading Ukraine. He saw weakness or million-dollar bribes in Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. Russia and China respected Trump, who would never take a bribe, and they weren’t exactly sure of Trump’s reactions to their adventurism.  President Xi was visiting Trump when he bombed Syria, for gassing women and children, killing 200 Russian troops, without a Putin reprisal. President Xi got the right message, seeing it in real time over dinner with Trump at Mar-a-lago.

Trump was the first president in many decades who did not start a war, with peace exploding worldwide. His Abraham Accords peace in the middle east was almost unbelievable.  Presidents, since 1948 have promised to make Jerusalem the rightful Capitol of Israel, but Trump kept his promise. The Trump administration convinced the Arab States that Iran was a threat to their existence, and Israel could be a trusted friend. The Accords moved beyond Palestinians, by refusing to give them a veto over Arab States, making peace with Israel. The Mainstream (MSM) including the Establishment now view the Accords as wildly successful, with Republicans and Democrats agreeing. They were so successful that Jared Kushner, Trump’s son-in-law was nominated for a Nobel Prize, something most astonishing, because only liberals are considered for that. Trump is loved in Israel in the 75 percent range, as he soundly deserves.

We had some wonderful, dedicated Brackettville friends invite us to view the “2000 Mules” film, which gets zero media exposure. Catherine Engelbrecht, Founder of True the Vote, who I met at an early 2000 State Convention, and Greg Phillips, with an undercover computer background, collected the stealing. Phillips was issued a Georgia subpoena saying, “I’m afraid somebody’s going to get killed if they’re not careful.” Phillips designed a system of cell phone pings to track the movement of all the mules from start to finish. They went to a specific Democrat location, picking up the ballots, then distributing them to the correct precincts, taking phone pictures to prove they had delivered them to the correct drop boxes, receiving ten bucks for each ballot.

They gathered information in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Texas. They estimated that 20,000 ballots were illegal, in Arizona, 14,000 in Wisconsin, 275,000 in Pennsylvania, 175,000 in Michigan, and 30,000 in Georgia, which was more than enough to steal the election. Interestingly, they found many of the 2020 Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA radical rioters, with the same cell phone pings, acting as Mules to steal the 2020 election. These guys seem, to have a strange immunity against prosecution everywhere in América.

I received a letter stating that the George Soros crowd was sending money to elect County clerks, and election officials at lower levels to skew, and control the next national election. I hope it’s not true. We deserve the actual will of the voters, unhampered in anyway. It may mean some better method to remove many registered voters who never vote, presenting opportunities for criminals to vote for them. Trump appointed a former Secretary of State from Kansas to do just that, but the Democrats ran him out of town in short order. It could be going back to the old ways of hand counted ballots, with required poll watchers from each party. We deserve the actual will of every citizen, good, bad, or ugly, but never the first manufactured vote by any party. Trump is writing a book, explaining the crime of the Century.  It would not be nice to have Woodward/Bernstein write one.  They would make crooked Hillary the hero, scheming to create a crime to destroy Trump, with the full blessings of the Obama administration.

Gene Chapman