It was the Mules Fault by Gene Chapman


Russia is off her lease, and the wars begins. China is watching the results of weakness, and Taiwan will be next. China and Russia have a long history of mistrusting each other like mafia bosses, but Biden is bringing them together. Nothing like American weakness to make them friends. You want to know the difference in Trump and Biden leadership? Biden, on his first day in office removed Trump’s lookdown of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline to Germany, allowing Russia to sell oil to

Germany, and Europe. Russia lives on oil, known as the gas station, and Russia earned a billion dollars a day after Biden, enough treasury to invade Ukraine. The second thing Biden did was shut down America’s Keystone Pipeline from Canada to Houston, capable of transporting 830,000 barrels daily, making gas plentiful and cheaper for you. President Biden spent $ 4.7 billion for Russian oil last year! That made Russia our number two supplier, replacing Mexico.  Biden shut down Alaska, and our other home oil activities. We didn’t have to be in this fix, begging our enemies for crude oil. Trump policies had America world dominate, and all Biden needed to do was, leave it alone. With oil at 94 dollars a barrel in the Obama administration, Russia attacked, and added Crimea. With oil near $100.00 a barrel in the Biden administration, he has attacked Ukraine. When the Trump administration drove oil down to the twenty-dollar a barrel range, he may have attacked his wife, but no nation. He didn’t have the money!  The Russian aggression would never have happened without the Mules, and Biden.

Then Trump is so mean.  Remember, when he told Russia not to interfere in Syria, and they did.  Somebody was using poison gas, killing women and children, and Trump didn’t like it.  He used a few submarine Cruise Tomahawk missiles to destroy their airport, many of their planes delivering the poison, and some of the neighborhoods the bad guys were occupying. He called Putin, giving him a thirty-minute warning, and fired. It just so happened that the Russians were still in the wrong neighborhoods, and Trump’s missiles killed two hundred Russians. Trump had to break away from a meeting at Mar-a-logo with President Xi to make that quick decision. Trump and Xi spent a lot of time together. He understood Trump was not a weak man to be had. All the nervous Nellies just knew Russia, with an economy smaller than Texas, was going to whip America’s fanny like a sad deserted ugly stepchild, for Trump rash killings. They didn’t.  They meekly, quietly returned to Russia.

See, the super woke Democrats want to do away with gas burning combustible engines, and live or unreliable, government subsidized wind and sun energy.  If gas is 5 to 7 dollars a gallon, one can’t afford to drive as much, which equals pristine clean air to the air heads everywhere, especially in California and the upper east coast.  John Kerry, Biden’s partner in the destroying America crime, response to Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, “I hope President Putin will help us stay on track with what we need to do on climate.” America only has enough gas to last us a hundred years plus. Why not use it working on new energy sources, using artificial intelligent robots, so much smarter than mere humanoids. Already, schools in some areas, are graduating students who can’t read or do basic math. We got to do something soon, returning to reasoned civility, or America is over.   

Them, surprise of surprises. The Dow Jones is hanging around, about 4000 points lower than Trump’s highs today.  A liberal TechnoMetrica Institute poll in New Jersey poll, found 66 percent of the Democrats were keeping up with Special Counsel Durham’s Hillary probe.  That was up 20 percent from an earlier poll, asking the same question, indicating Democrats are changing opinions.  Maybe the Calvary is really coming.  Did Hillary really say,” If I’m indicted, I’m taking half of Washington with me?” Now that would be a pristine, great America!

I am reading that the Durham Special Counsel Grand Jury is considering evidence in the Hunter Biden case! Ex-girlfriend Zoe Keston,28, testified five hours. She was followed by a former unmanned stripper, with whom Biden 52, had an out of wedlock-child with. Special Counsels cannot be interfered with by anyone, including Presidents, or Attorney Generals. The minority Republican Congress fully intends to, in open sessions, show the world the former congress’s archvillain attempts to find or create a crime on Trump for impeachment, when they win the majority. One bug eyed democrat Congressman consistently lied, and one lived with a beautiful Chinese spy, who escaped back to China when exposed. The democrat involved mainstream media will never expose it, but you can see it on Newsmax, or on Fox who dances around a little but allows most of the truth be made public. Wasn’t it great that Chris Wallace went to CNN just as they lost his friend leader? Now Chris is mad? They were down to less than a profitable million viewers consistently.  All the extreme leftist loons left them for MSNBC, who do only propaganda.

Good news for Trump.  The nut case, tax cheating case the New York Attorney General ran on has imploded. She assigned two Democrat lawyers to dig up the dirt, and both have resigned, stating there was no dirt they could find, just as the millions wasted on the Mueller Special Counsel did. When politicians run mainly, emotional negative campaigns, be aware. Politicians should run on how they plan to make life better for you, and mean it. The Republicans leadership is doing just that, with a Gingrich similar promise to make America great, then doing it!

I had my doubts earlier about Bulldog Durham, but he seems to be rounding up some of the smarmy, treasonous leftist, desperate to impeach Trump at any cost.  If everything Durham is uncovering is up to Hoyle, the Dems, and their corporate media sponsors are a criminal enterprise, bigger than the greatest mystery writers could ever imagine.  It was all brought to you by 2000 plus paid Mules, collecting mailed out ballots to every moved, deceased voter on the dirty rolls in the must win swing States darkest part of night. Soon you can see it on a Dinesh D’Souza documentary exposure if you dare.

Gene Chapman