Honest Election Required for Greatness by Gene Chapman


Voters of all ethnic groups, income levels, have their votes

nullified by vote harvesters, called mules in other areas. We

deserve the actual thoughtful will of the people, the key to our

great success or anguished four to six dollar a gallon gas future!

Bloomberg predicted a Trump landslide, but the mail-In ballots

overturned it in the darkest hours before dawn, with thousands

of Biden votes without a traceable chain of custody. There were

over 300,000 votes for Biden, gathered by well over 200 Mules

in Atlanta.                                          

Democrats are claiming the Republicans will steal the 2022

midterm elections, bolstered by CNN, MSNBC, the louder

mainstream media. Working 20 years in prisons, managing

medical programs on a captive audience, I learned that the

professional crooks were always laying a trap to blame others,

for exactly what they were planning to do.

Our Constitution plainly requires all voting procedures can only

be changed by State legislatures. Federal legislatures,

controlling all three branches of government could pass

legislation favoring one side over the other, making a

permanent minority. They could legislate the removal of voter

I.D, open the polls to felony prisoners, same day registration,

lower the voting age to 16, no excuse mail-in voting, eliminate

signature comparison, and make voters out of non-citizen

illegal immigrants as New York intends to do. We don’t need

making it easier to cheat legislation. We do need easier to

vote, harder to cheat legislation.

Conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza has released the trailer

of a coming movie revealing the “2000 Mules” that have been

documented delivering stacks of 2020 presidential election

ballots to first ever election drop boxes across the nation,

especially in the swing states.

Pennsylvania was the one state where the legislature passed a

law, granting no-excuse mail-voting, only to discover their state

constitution required it could only be done by a public voted on

Constitutional amendment. Republicans won vindication when

Judge Mary Hannah Leavitt ruled the 2019 law permitting no

excuse mail-in voting was unconstitutional, after the damage

was done.

In 2020, the Democrats illegally changed voting procedures

without State legislative action. Declaring a covid emergency,

they sent ballots to every live, dead, or moved voter on the

registration rolls in States they had to win. They placed

unguarded ballot collection boxes on the dark streets, in the

heart of their known territory. I received a video of vote

harvesters or mules, placing arm loads of ballots in the wee

hours of the night in the collection boxes, with cars waiting

their turn. They carefully snapped a picture of every ballot to

prove its validity, prior to inserting it and earning $10.00 of

Zuckerbucks for each ballot collected.

See the election wasn’t stolen? ---- it was only bought by the

dark money big boys. Facebooks Mark Zuckerberg gave $420

million to the Democrat Party to defeat Trump. All the big boys,

doing business with China, ponied up whatever was needed to

stop this fool Trump, who couldn’t be bought, with little guy

America blooming.

In normal election, Zuckerberg and friends would have given to

the establishment candidate, to protect their monied interest.

But this fool marched to his own drummer, to the

establishment’s great horror. He was building business in the

ghettos up north, creating dozens of millionaires every few

days, well over five thousand in his first term. South Texas was

turning red, with blooming businesses and jobs with dignity.

Gas was approaching a dollar fifty a gallon, with America

leading the energy world, without inflation. There was real

peace in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords sure to

grow, and no threats of war anywhere. The orange headed

stranger spent a week at China’s forbidden City with president

XI, the first American president ever allowed to enter. Trump

put America’s interest first, XI put China’s interest first, and

America was growing and China receding, with both leaders

talking rather than starting wars. Remember the tariffs, making

little American farmers almost rich.

Well, my friend, say what you will, but America wants to go

back to Trump’s yesterday, and we will. America has had a

bellyful of fake news. They understand exactly who is telling

them the big lie! They will soon learn that Nancy Pelosi and the

Democrats orchestrated January 6th. They keep having dog and

pony show hearings, without allowing real Republicans to

participate. Remember the Russia gate scheme to make Trump

a crook, which only made FBI leadership, and Hillary the crooks.

Beautiful North Korean defector, Yeommi Park, made a

terrifying escape to America for freedom. She sees and

understands the brain washing of America. She writes “I never

thought that in America, I had to worry about brainwashing and

propaganda. I get censored on You Tube and Twitter because I

talk about China. Never in my life I thought that in America, I

had to fight for freedom of speech. Even in America, the

freedom is not guaranteed, and it’s slipping away every single


What’s the difference in a midnight bought, and a stolen

election? May God help us return to our glorious honest


Gene Chapman