Death and Resurrection: for my aborted children by your sorrowful, loving mother


I am prostrate before
the empty manger of my heart.
My soul is a dark cave
where I am searching for a light extinguished,
a love ended before it came to fruition.
My mind is seeking a person
I have never met.
My heart longs for a presence
that is only affirmed through the
pain of its absence.
I imagine a cry pleading for life,
and decades later I still desire to hear
a cry that announces your birth.
My tears baptize the worth I had denied,
and give me a “heart of flesh.”
My friend, John Paul, gives me consolation
through his words: “Nothing is definitively lost.”
And my friend, Paul, confirms that Spirit
when he proclaims, “…Hope does not disappoint us,
because God’s love has been poured into our hearts…”
You are my hope, Christ Child, lying in Your manger.
It is God’s love that is poured into my heart at your birth.
I adore You, Holy Child, and I hope to one day see You
in the faces of my aborted children,
Resurrected and Restored in You, who are Eternal Life.
Your sorrowful, loving mother
February 20, 2022