Last Monday was a Bad good day by Gene Chapman


Last Monday 9/20 was a bad, good day. The Dow, at one time was down near 1000 points, and the Nasdaq and S&P 500 were dropping as if George Foreman had landed a solid right to their lower mandible. It was crying time in the Chapel for sure, for little boys who had worked once, chopping cotton hard for $3.00 a day, and glad to have a job. It was caused by a severe downturn in China’s property market, which suffered heavy share losses in China Evergrande, falling 13 percent, expected to go bankrupt. While I had no China stocks knowingly, I felt bad seeing my life’s work evaporating like a busted watermelon in the hot sun.

I had some mean thoughts. I had heard Greg Gutfeld give a most deserved nickname to NBC’s prevaricating Chuck Todd, calling him Chark Tudd. Just the thought of that lifted my spirits up about 200 points so I thought; why not just rename Joe Biden for 200 more points. I thought and thought, and finally came up with Moe Bidoom. Moe, from the three stooges, and doom for the falling markets, and hard times ahead. Moe just seemed to fit, and doom is reflected in his every decision, reversing Trump pristine capitalism. But the Dow only finished 600 points down, and that left me with only 200 points of sorrow to grieve over.

But then I thought some more. One could call Trump disrespectfully anything and make points for doing it. But it’s against the law to speak disrespectfully about politically correct democrats, sort of like Joe Stalin in Russia. I’d better just suck up the 200-point loss, and call him, Mr. President Joe Biden most honorable sir. I’ve got troubles enough just trying to be a Christian conservative, and don’t need any more trouble than I already got. I only know one Russian, who is smart, pretty, and loves America, and can prove it, and I never spent a single night ever in Moscow with anybody, but I still need to be wary.

By the way, did you hear that special counsel Durham has indicted a Perkins-Coie lawyer, named Sossman, for lying to the FBI about Trump visiting Russian, causing over two years of breathless speculation as to when Trump was going to jail. Mr. Sossman testified under oath that he didn’t know Hillary, which prompted the FBI to spend 30 to 40 million bucks on Mueller’s Special counsel, which turned out to be a dry hole. Now Special Counsel Durham found that Sossman had worked for Hillary and discovered a tidy sum check from the Clinton Foundation he billed for, on the date of his false testimony. Since the mainstream media doesn’t care, I thought some of you might like to know.

One should be able to find joy on any day one has a full stomach, a warm or cool house by season, and a healthy family. Americans are truly Blessed, all because of our Founding Fathers wisdom and Constitution, making us a Republic, not a direct Democracy. The Democrats have worked unceasingly to make us a direct democracy, by removing the electoral college, so California, New York and a few reliably liberal States would guarantee victory every national election, making opposing patriot’s history.

Seriously we ought to be calmed because China’s economy is falling on hard times. It’s even going to fall further, because the word is that President Xi intends to go hard left, toward Mao’s hard-liner communism. He only allowed a taste of free market freedom, and that little bit of freedom was so dangerous, he can’t take a chance on freedom growing. In America we have the same problem, only in reverse. The Democrats are seeking to take total control before America understands they are totalitarian dictators. Telling you when to wear a mask, when to be vaccinated, how high to jump, making you ashamed of your racist, no good skunky country, converting you into a do as I say full throated hopeless ward of the dictatorial, big government State. We simply must return to Trump style free market capitalism, grow more millionaires and Billionaires, producing a growing middleclass as China purposely cuts theirs by half. Americans are the good guys, not the racist, evil guys they are trying to make us out to be, using horses to guard our borders. We feed the hungry, care for the sick all around the world. We can only do it, because the left hasn’t forced the poverty of secular socialism- communism on us yet. Be very wary America, disaster is knocking on your door.


Gene Chapman