“Women’s Reproductive Rights” by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.


“Women’s Reproductive Rights”


“Women’s Reproductive Rights” is a misnomer, it should be called “Women’s Nonreproductive Rights” or Women’s Unreproductive Rights”, because what in reality is being advocated is the so-called right of women not to become pregnant by using contraceptives and not give birth to a baby by having an abortion. The real meaning of “Women’s Reproductive Rights” means that women have a right to reproduce and have children.


Previously President Obama has bluntly and brutally stated, “I’ve got two daughters. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby.”

President Obama succinctly encapsulated the mindset that has been inculcated and ingrained into the American psyche; that pregnancy is punitive and that babies are a burden and bondage for women. Speak to an infertile couple hoping and longing for the precious gift of a child, speak to a post-abortive woman facing the tragic consequences and repercussions of having aborted her child, speak to a grieving mother who has gone through a heartbreaking miscarriage; and see what they will tell you about pregnancy and babies.


The movie "October Baby" which came out in 2011 poignantly portrays the beauty of life and the healing power of forgiveness, presented with a beautiful, moving and powerful message. It is the story of a woman named Hannah, who learns as a young adult that she is the adopted survivor of a failed abortion.  There is a line in the movie “October Baby” where Hannah says: “You hear something enough times somehow you start to believe it.” 

We believe something because we have heard it enough times, and what we have been hearing is that abortion is all about the woman and not about the baby and dwelling overwhelming only on the negative aspects of what is perceived to be the end of a women’s life with pregnancy and the pessimistic parts of parenthood.


Let us no longer be remiss and reticent in speaking about the beauty, goodness and truth of life so that others hear it enough times to believe it.


But more importantly let us give our life’s testimonial and witness about life’s beauty, goodness and truth so that others will believe it and live it.


Marian Casillas, Ed.D.