Vaccine advertisement in St. Joseph Catholic Church Facebook page by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.


Upcoming vaccine clinic:
Sunday June 6 @ Plaza del Sol Mall from 3 pm - 7 pm
Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson will be offered.
Get a free donut with your vaccine!

No appointment required.
Pfizer: 12 years and older/J&J: 18 years and older


All of this is so wrong on so many levels.

Why is the Facebook page of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Del Rio, Texas giving free advertisement to Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson, the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical companies whose CEO’s are billionaires?

St. Joseph Catholic Church is supposed to be a non-profit entity.

Is St. Joseph Catholic Church receiving kickbacks from these pharmaceutical giants?

Doesn’t St. Joseph Catholic Church realize that if someone dies or suffers severe side effects after taking the vaccine that they can be held liable because they not only endorsed the vaccine but gave their seal of approval by recommending that their parishioners take the COVID vaccine?

The pharmaceutical companies have been granted immunity from liability from Congress, but the same does not hold true for people or entities who push the vaccine; for instance businesses and employers can be held liable if they require their customers and employees to take the vaccine and then those customers or employees die or suffer adverse effects from the injections.

There are lawyers lining up to take up all of these cases and are more than ready to file lawsuits.

The Archdiocese of San Antonio which is responsible for St. Joseph Catholic Church may well have to pay out exorbitant amounts of money to settle those claims that might come about since the Catholic clergy at St. Joseph Catholic Church have all too willingly jumped on the COVID vaccine bandwagon. Hip-hip-hooray for the abortion-tainted injection!

Since when has St. Joseph Catholic Church been so interested, invested and involved in advocating for what should be a personal and private medical decision made by each individual?

Why is St. Joseph Catholic Church being complicit in coaxing and possibly being seen as coercing their parishioners to take the COVID vaccine?

Why is St. Joseph Catholic Church endorsing experimental gene modifying injections that were developed, produced or tested using aborted fetal cell lines?

The unmasking of the cover-ups, lies and deceptions are beginning to unravel. The face of evil is not always grotesque; sometimes it hides behind the outward manifestations of seemingly being benign and benevolent, compassionate and caring.

One of the more sinister players among many, who are beginning to emerge, is Dr. Anthony Fauci, a fallen-away Catholic, who has been so admired and lavished with adulation by the press and the public alike.

One of the most atrocious lies was that there were no safe and effective treatments for COVID-19 and the only reason they were withheld from the public is that they were relatively inexpensive and Big Pharma does not have a patent on them, so that they could not make the Big Bucks off of these treatments.

The treatments that Big Pharma has produced for COVID-19 are outrageously expensive. If there were medications that could treat the virus then there would be no need for a vaccine; so the safe, effective and inexpensive treatments had to be disavowed and discarded by the so-called experts and their able assistants in the media.

What is most heart-wrenching and heartless about all of this, are all the people who have needlessly died so that Big Pharma could get filthy rich.

If the vaccines are safe and effective, why do people have to be bribed to take them? To sweeten the deal “Get a free donut with your vaccine”.

There’s a picture on the advertisement of a most delectable looking donut with creamy chocolate frosting lusciously dripping over the donut and colorful candy sprinkles draped on top. Just like the infamous image of the apple Adam and Eve took a bite of the forbidden fruit and lost Paradise, this donut has a bite taken out of it.

There’s confetti and/or candy sprinkles splattered throughout the advertisement, how appealing, how attractive is the message packaged to pack in the crowds!

The advertisement shouts much like a carnival barker, “Come one, come all, see all the fun you’ll have by coming to get your vaccine at the mall!”  But this should not be fun and games, this is a serious situation and it should be handled as such and not be twisted and turned into a side show of mirth and merriment.

Why is a medical procedure allowed to take place in a shopping mall? Isn’t it more appropriate for vaccines to be administered in a hospital, doctor’s office or clinic? “No appointment required”, that means that this will be a site of mass inoculations, how safe and sanitary is that?

“Pfizer: 12 years and older/J&J: 18 years and older” There have been near nil to zero children that have been infected with the virus and if they do get infected they have a nearly 100% chance of recovery. So why take an experimental gene modifying injection when the risks far outweigh the benefits.

St. Joseph Catholic Church seems to be promulgating the Biden Administration’s goal of getting 70% of the population vaccinated by July 4th by prominently placing this vaccine advertisement on their Facebook page, collaborating with the agenda of a “Catholic” politician who scandalously presents himself to receive Communion although he is fully aware that he is committing the obstinate, public and grave sin of radically promoting abortion; explicitly lauding abortion-rights and advocating for taxpayer funding of abortion. The Catechism of the Catholic Church #2271 clearly states, “Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception: abortion and infanticide are abominable crimes.”

The vaccine clinic was scheduled on a Sunday; the day God commands us to Keep Holy the Lord’s Day and on June 6, the Solemnity of The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). 

Wouldn’t it be ironic or more likely demonic, that because of the publicity rendered by St. Joseph Catholic Church to the vaccine event, it turned out that more people attended the vaccine clinic than participated in the Eucharistic procession through the streets, bringing Christ’s presence to our community, which started at Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church proceeded to Sacred Heart Catholic Church and concluded at St. Joseph Catholic Church? Having given a cursory look, it does not appear that the vaccine advertisement was placed on the Facebook pages of Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church or Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

Let us invoke the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas and Protectress of the Unborn; and pray for God’s protection upon Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church in Del Rio, Texas.

June is the month traditionally dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus; let us invoke the Merciful Heart of Jesus and pray for God’s protection upon Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Del Rio, Texas.

It is heartbreaking indeed that the mass programming of propaganda and indoctrination has infiltrated the Facebook page of St. Joseph Catholic Church, and it is especially disheartening that it is happening in the year dedicated to St. Joseph. The year 2021 has been proclaimed the Year of St. Joseph; let us invoke the Patron of the Universal Church and Protector of Families and pray for God’s protection upon St. Joseph Catholic Church in Del Rio, Texas.

Let us pray especially for all the Catholic priests and parishioners in our city.

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34


Marian Casillas, Ed.D.





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