1st century incense and 21st century injections by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.


What a contrast there is between the First Century Christians and the Twenty-First Century Christians.

The First Century Christians were asked to merely offer a pinch of incense to burn in the flaming fires that paid homage and gave worship to the god of the Roman Empire, yet they would rather die than offer a miniscule amount of incense because they would only recognize the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as the only true God and Jesus Christ as His Only Son to give all praise and glory.

And now here we find ourselves in the Twenty-First Century, as Christians living in the time of the corona virus COVID-19 and we have been offered the modern day pinch of incense in the form of abortion-tainted vaccines, all of which were either developed, produced or tested using aborted fetal cell lines. The most barbaric part of obtaining the aborted baby cells was that the baby had to be alive when their organs were harvested so that the experiments could be performed on living cells. If the baby was dead then the cells would also be dead and would be of no use for experimentation.

It is estimated that each of the injections produced by Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson and Johnson has between 50 billion to 100 billion viral particles; yes that’s Billion with a “B” particles. One of those particles could be from an aborted baby who was cut open while alive and their kidney or other organ extracted and used in experimentation.

Is this not similar to what the Nazi scientists were doing in their laboratories in Germany?

Is this not the same thing as the most extremely brutal and cruel acts attributed to the uncivilized Aztec pagan worship where they sliced open the chests of their sacrificial victims and offered their beating hearts to their god?

The reason for Aztec human sacrifice was a matter of survival. The sun god was waging a constant war against darkness, and if the darkness won, the world would end. The Aztecs had to feed their god human hearts in order to keep the sun moving across the sky to preserve their lives.

We are told similar stories as the ancient Aztecs believed, that the so-called COVID 19 vaccines are a matter for our survival and to preserve our lives even at the expense of human babies having their bodies sliced open and offering their live human organs as sacrificial victims for us not to die from an exaggeratedly pronounced lethal virus that would supposedly bring about the end of the world.

The Aztec’s had their high priests who spouted those lies and we have our own high priests with the esteemed titles of medical and scientific experts who also spew forth diabolical deceptions.

Vaccines do not have to be made using aborted-tainted fetal cell lines, yet the evil one persists in demanding human sacrifice just like he always has and we have fallen into the same trap the Aztecs of long ago fell into.

Here we are in the Twenty-First Century supposedly the most civilized, modern and sophisticated people doing exactly the same thing.

A pinch of incense, an aborted fetal cell line for the vaccine, what’s the big deal about it? It’s just a pinch of incense, no big deal; it’s just an abortion-tainted vaccine, no big deal.

An aborted baby’s cell in our body is cannibalistic; collaborative and corroborative with evil of the most demonic and demented dimension.

We are made to believe that we can only live if a baby dies and we use their cells to make vaccines.

We are complicit in the crime of cruel and horrific experimentation on embryos.

All who have been complicit in any way, shape or form in fostering these abortion-tainted vaccines must be held accountable and be put on trial for crimes against humanity.

A baby’s cell in our bodies will not bring us health and happiness; it will only bring us unhealthiness and unhappiness. No good can come from evil because evil brings only death and not life, death to the conscience and death to the soul which is worse than death to the body.

We value our own lives so much that no matter what it takes to save us from dying from the virus we will take it.

We will kill unborn babies and use their cells in the development, production and testing of vaccines.

How are we any different from the pagan worshippers who ripped the hearts out of babies and threw their beating hearts into the burning flames to appease and please their gods?

The blood of murdered babies is a stain of sin that will irrevocably call down the wrath and fury of God’s justice upon the land.

We are doing the same thing by appeasing and pleasing our rulers, who demand we take the abortion-tainted vaccine or else we will be rejected and cast away from the rest of society.

Currently without taking the abortion-tainted vaccine we are not allowed to board planes, attend special events or go to certain places with certain people without the vaccination passport which means we have sold our soul to the diabolical dimension of living the so-called “good life”.

The First Century Christians refused to submit to being defiled by a pinch of incense, we as Twenty-First Century Christians should also refuse to submit to being defiled by an aborted fetal cell line in a vaccine.

In the First Century it was just a pinch of incense, in the Twenty-First Century it’s just an aborted-tainted particle in an injection.

The strategies and tactics of the evil one have not changed one iota from the First Century of Christianity to the Twenty-First Century of Christianity, but unfortunately the response of Christians has dramatically changed. The First Century Christians had the faith of martyrs, and it appears the Twenty-First Century Christians do not have the Faith of Our Fathers.

A pinch of incense there, an aborted-tainted injection here, what difference does it make? It’s just a pinch, it’s just a particle, but ultimately it’s about believing or betraying the faith.

“When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" Luke 18:8



Marian Casillas, Ed.D.




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