Demons delight in Catholic-in-name only Democrats by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.


Commander-in-Chief of Hell speaks to his Second-in-Command, “I see how well you have done your job. I am so proud of you,” as he points to all the Catholics-in-name-only in the Biden Administration. “You have them doing our work for us so well.”

Second-in-Command responds, “Thank you for your praise. I live to do your will.”

Commander continues, “You are so diabolically clever.”

Second quickly interjects, “I learned it all from you.”

“How did you ever think of putting Biden as President of the United States, he is the most duplicitous Catholic politician there is. He just says and does Catholic things, but it’s all only for show-and-tell.”

Second replies, “It was easy, I made the Americans hate their Former President so much that they just wanted a nice, sweet-sounding, normal-looking, old grandfatherly type of man, even though their Former President had enacted so many pro-life policies. The American people loved it when Biden was shown on the news going to Sunday Mass, taking out his Rosary beads and speaking so lovingly about his faith. It was all a great, big show. Don’t you just love it?”

“Of course, it is masterful. I especially liked it when he called the President of Mexico and spoke of his fondness for Mexico’s Lady of Guadalupe, and having newspapers in Mexico write that the U.S. President is a “Guadalupano,” a devotee to that Lady of Guadalupe. Biden showed a rosary featuring that Lady of Guadalupe that belonged to his late son Beau, who had it on him when he died of brain cancer in 2015. The U.S. President has visited that shrine honoring that Lady of Guadalupe during official visits when he was Vice President and also has spoken of his late mother’s devotion to that woman Mary. All the U.S. Latino Catholics just love that Lady of Guadalupe and now they love him for saying all those sweet and sentimental things. I just love the irony that that Lady of Guadalupe has the title of the Patroness of the Unborn and Biden has done more to promote abortion than any of the other politicians who have been politically afraid to do as much. He loves abortions up until the birth of the baby and probably even after the baby is born if that is what the Left tells him. He loves abortions being paid for with taxpayer money, not only in the United States but also around the world. It seems he loves abortions just as much as I do.”

Second cuts in, “Maybe more if that is possible.”

And they both let out a boisterous, booming laugh.

Second continues, “Not only does he love abortion, he also loves sexual deviancy. When he was Vice-President in the Obama Administration he presided over the marriage of two men. And now he’s doing all he can to continue to bring sexual deviancy into his Administration with his appointment of a transgender woman Dr. Rachel Levine to be the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Health who approves of sex change in children. Isn’t it wonderful that men are marrying other men; that biological men are changing their bodies to become women’s bodies and that parent’s are not only allowing but encouraging their children to have their bodies mutilated in sex change operations? But best of all the government approves and sanctions of all of these great things that will bring a lot of souls to us here in hell!”

Commander shouts, “Bravo Biden!”

Second applauds and continues spouting his successes, “And then there’s his pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, a Latino Catholic. I just loved it when he proudly proclaimed that the night before his Senate Hearing his mother prayed the Rosary for him. He is such a good Catholic boy that when he was Attorney General of California he sued the Little Sisters of the Poor; it doesn’t get any better than that, suing women religious who run nursing homes to take care of poor people. He also took to court those two snitches David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt who videotaped all those lovely people working for Planned Parenthood, they were only cutting up aborted baby parts to sell for profit, what’s wrong with that?”

Commander spouts off, “I hate those goody-two-shoes who tried to uncover what should be left in the dark, how dare they bring to light what should be covered up and better left unseen and unheard.”

Second concurs, “We won’t be hearing any more from them, they will be stuck in the courts forever.”

“And speaking of courts, there’s the Supreme Court where you’ve cleverly corrupted the Catholic Chief Justice John Roberts who was the sole dissenting vote against a student whose First Amendment rights had been violated by his college when it barred him from speaking about his religion and distributing religious literature. Even all the liberal Justices agreed that the student’s rights had been violated.”

Second takes a bow, “That was a piece of cake. The toughest cookie in that cookie jar of the Supreme Court is Clarence Thomas; he’s a hard core Catholic if I ever saw one. But don’t worry; I’m hard at work on him.”

“I’m sure you are”, says Commander confidently and then continues, “And last but certainly not least, is the crème de la crème, our good friend, Nancy Pelosi, a Catholic who’s completely sold her soul to us. She’s constantly stirring the pot over there in Congress. She makes the black pot of poison look like a shiny, bright pot of gold.”

Commander ends with a salute to Second, “Great work, you are to be commended for corrupting such charismatically, charming Catholic-in-name only Democrats to do our bidding. These Democrats are simply delightful. I love it.”

Second salutes back, “I love my job. These Catholics-in-name-only Democrats make my job so easy; it’s like taking candy from a baby, and you know how much I just love tormenting babies by taking candy away from them and making them cry.”


Marian Casillas, Ed.D.



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