THEY LOST THEIR THINKING CAPS Biden, Pelosi/Schumer and Roberts by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.


Biden, Pelosi/Schumer and Roberts


Inspired by the Nursery Rhyme “Three Little Kittens


Three big branches of government
They lost their thinking caps
And they began to cry
Oh citizens we sadly fear
Our thinking caps we have lost
What! Lost your thinking caps, you naughty guys
Then you shall have no taxpayer money
No, you shall have no taxpayer money
The three big branches of government
They found their thinking caps
And they began to cry
Oh, dear citizens, see here, see here
Our thinking caps we have found
Put on your thinking caps, you silly guys
And you shall have some taxpayer money
Oh, let us have some taxpayer money
The three big branches of government
They put on their thinking caps
And soon ate up the taxpayer money
Oh, citizens dear, we greatly fear
Our thinking caps we have dirtied
What! Dirtied your thinking caps, you naughty guys
Then they began to plead
Then they began to plead even more
The three big branches of government
They laundered their thinking caps
And hung the citizens out to dry
Oh! Citizens dear, do you not hear
Our thinking caps we have laundered
What! Laundered your thinking caps
You dirty, rotten scoundrels
But I smell a rat close by
We smell dirty, double-crossing rats close by
See; there is no evil to see
Eyes wide shut
Listen; there is no evil to listen to 
Ears wide shut
Speak; there is no evil to speak of
Mouth wide shut

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

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