No Fox Race with Babbling Hound Possible by Gene Chapman


A babbling hound is simply a lying hound, announcing fox scent where none exists.  Honest hounds only give mouth when they smell actual fox.  Hounds are smarter than humans. 

About the second time a babbler, usually with a most exciting mouth, announces fox, they scurry to join him or her and there is no fox scent, honest hounds ignore the liars thereafter.

Wise hunters discard them, understanding that you can’t have fox races, hearing the music the Angels stoop to hear, with even one loud, lying babbler.

You can have a country with a few discredited, lying babbling members of the media, practicing their first amendment rights. But you can’t have a country with 95 percent or more lying, babbling media with no interest in the scent of TRUTH!

Ask yourselves seriously, did the mainstream media (MSM) have a single press conference praising Trump for America’s rising minority middleclass, $1.70 a gallon gas, a muzzled North Korea, a dominant military bringing troops home, peace in the Middle East with Israel with several Arabic Countries coming together in friendship and trade, a booming American economy and a slowing China economy due to policies, or several wrap speed developed Covid vaccines before the election.  The babblers never ever acknowledged it, and you know it.

Just last week NASA Perseverance landed on Mars, leaving a soil and rock collection tool, scheduled to return to earth in 2031.  Just think, we will soon know if Mars is inhabitable.

The babblers spent a train load of noise making Senator Cruz the bum of the ages for taking his girls to warm Mexico and apologizing, but scantly reported our Mars historic endeavor. 
It would never have happened without Trump’s presidency, so it was bad, nothing to be proud of as Kennedy’s wildly acclaimed neighborhood moon landing.  

The babblers told us that Trump was a Russian asset to protect Hillary with a babbling costly Mueller probe; that Brett Kavanagh was a gang rapist attempting  to thwart a Constitution saving Supreme Court; that ANTIFA/BLM riots were peaceful; and that  all allegations of crimes against any Democrat was Republican disinformation. 

Trump alone instigated the Capitol Hill insurgency, even as CNN and NBC paid $35,000 each to ANTIFA/BLM agitator John Sullivan posing as a journalist wearing Trump clothing, now arrested. 

Thirty-five (35) Capitol police officers are now under investigation for cooperating with the peaceful, misguided Trump supporters.  One officer EVEN took a picture with a terrible, terrible Trump supporter.  We may now know why two Capitol police officers committed suicide without babbling media interest.  

But Pelosi knew days before AOC hid behind her door, terrified, when she really was in a distant building.  We will never know the truth. 

Pelosi is rigging a Congressional hearing for full details with a breathless media finding her the shining hero of the moment---and so forth. 
And you will never know that the razor wire fences protecting the Capitol, and National Guard troops, costing perhaps a billion dollars, was all to subliminally suggest to you that Trump supporters are dangerous killers, and a year of rioting, looting and killing by ANTIFA/BLM was just a peaceful summer of love.

We would never have known that Governor Cuomo heartlessly killed a portion of New York’s 32,172 Covid deaths by sending them to Nursing homes, instead of the Mercy Ship or hospital Trump provided for him on your dime.  That would make Trump look good. 

Then Biden sort of won the election, and the babbling media no longer needed to protect Cuomo against America loving Trump. 

Now, even California understands we need to open our Schools, our economy, and shut down our border immigration/democrat voter invasion, and gathering enough signatures to remove their babbling, leftist Governor.

Even the Lincoln Project, founded by Democrats and Establishment 
Republicans to destroy Trump, is spectacularly exposed as the fraud it was.  John Weaver, one of the founders, was a secret pedophile predator, a liar, an abuser. The left flooded them with millions to go on CNN and MSNBC as Republicans, hating Trump, then Biden is president and the babblers no longer need to protect them.  I read that up to $67 million is unaccounted for. Hopefully someone will go to jail, but then that only happens to honest America loving patriots, the babblers really hate.

It’s really sad to understand that honest fox hounds are smarter, more principled than today’s Harvard graduated babbling media, hoping and changing America into a place only Fidel Castro or China’s president Xi would love.                      

Gene Chapman  

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