Lady and The Trump by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

This is the story of a pampered house-dog named Lady Pelosi and a tough-and-tumble stray named Trump.

Lady Pelosi once had the run-of-the house, until a young pup came and had free-reign over all the house-hold. This pup was found on a cold, rainy night; soaking-wet and whimpering outside the AOC (Alliance of Communists) building, that’s how she got the name AOC.  AOC was the new darling-of-the house and Lady Pelosi had to take a back-seat to the young-upstart.

Lady Pelosi desperately wanted to regain-the-limelight, so she plotted to once again be the center-of-attention.

“I know what I’ll do”, she wistfully thought, “I’ll run away from the house and then everyone will go looking for me”.

So one night she secretly snuck-out. Standing in front of the house, in the center of the road, she looked to the right, and then she looked to the left. She decided to run as far to the left as she could.

She eventually ran out-of-breath and came to a halting stop, and who to her surprise was there to greet her, but none other than one of the most deplorable dogs she had ever seen. He had a tangled mess of golden-fur and his speech was so uncouth.

“You lost?” he brazenly inquired.

Startled, she requested to know, “Who are you?”

“They call me Trump!” he trumpetingly responded.

She snarled, “Not lost, just out-of-breath from running-away from the house”.

“I just left the white house myself; I’m heading to the heartland of America where they just love me. Americans love an under-dog. Want to come along?”

With nowhere else to go Lady Pelosi followed his commanding lead, realizing his-bark-was-worse-than-his bite.

An unlikely pair-of-pooches, which destiny brought together; they were as different as New York and California, Republicans and Democrats.

Together they embarked on a most perilous journey throughout the countryside; a rollercoaster-ride through the lows of the deep, dark caverns and the highs of breath-taking mountain-tops.

Off they went into the bright-red sunset, triumphantly barking along the way “Ain’t America Great!”

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.




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