Believe them or not by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

In the year 2020 some dopey and dorky so-called scientific experts told the world to lockdown because there was a deadly virus that would be spreading uncontrollably and overwhelming the hospitals with patients and millions of people would die.

The media screamed and shouted, “The Virus is coming! The Virus will kill you. Look out and lockdown. Stay home and stay safe!”

All the people throughout the world panicked and obeyed the commands of those in control and did as they were told.

Those in positions of power and prestige saw how easily everyone could be manipulated, how everyone believed those so-called medical experts and quickly fell into line.

Then the data and statistics started coming in and everyone saw how they had been lied to and there was really no pandemic and there was really no need to panic. The Virus was as real as influenza and pneumonia are real. But The Virus does not kill the vast majority of people.

The following year, 2021, again the so-called medical and scientific experts decreed about how much worse the second wave of The Virus would be and how much more the world needed to panic and follow the rules and regulations that were imposed upon them.

Foolish and gullible people heeded the warnings and panicked over another so-called pandemic.

Year after year the so-called experts warned about another deadly disease and the media was overjoyed and happy to convey their message of doom and gloom.

Each time it was revealed that the experts were wrong and the media had exaggerated.

Then after many years of being fooled by the so-called facts of the so-called experts and the so-called journalists, the vast majority of the people no longer believed anything they were told. They grew weary of all the lies that adversely affected them.

So when reports about Unidentified Aerial Phenomena started coming out, no one took it seriously and simply ignored it as another hoax being played by those in power to get the people to panic about earth being invaded by extraterrestrial beings.

But as it turned out, this time it was real, and earth was invaded from outer space and now it is called Sector Earth Station and all inhabitants are under the command and control of the Supreme Intergalactic Space Union.

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

Del Rio, Texas

United States

Planet Earth



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