God blesses a faithful priest forever by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

It was a cause of much sadness and sorrow in the Catholic community, especially among those whose lives have been profoundly impacted and significantly changed for the better by Father Henry Clay Hunt, III to learn the news that his priestly faculties have been removed. 

Father Clay who recently served in Del Rio and San Antonio, Texas is now only allowed to say his daily, private, personal Mass; he cannot continue to serve in public ministry as an ordained priest of God administering the Sacraments and actively working for the salvation of souls.

You may ask what Father Clay did to have this strict punishment imposed on him by his superiors? The answer is that no reason has been given to the public by church authorities.


Church Militant has published the following articles:

June 19, 2020: TX Priest Under Fire for Orthodoxy

December 18, 2020: Beloved TX Priest Stripped of Faculties


San Antonio Family Association has published the following articles:

June 20: 2019: News outlets attempt to twist Rev. Clay Hunt’s comments to the Bexar County Commissioners Court on their “Pride Day” Proclamation  June 18, 2019: Bexar County Commissioners approve LGBTQ proclamation

June 16, 2020: Please pray for Archdiocese of San Antonio priest and servant leader Fr. Clay Hunt

June 17, 2020: Fr. Clay Hunt Needs Your Prayers

December 17, 2020: Rally in Support of Father Clay Hunt


Video of Father Clay posted June 21, 2018 discussing his meeting with the newly elected mayor of Del Rio, Texas and giving his reflections: Father Clay Hunt


Video of Father Clay speaking during the citizens comments: Father Clay Hunt proclaims The Truth to Bexar County Commissioners Court regarding “Pride Proclamation” with San Antonio Family Association on June 18, 2019


Could it possibly be that his priestly faculties were removed because he had the courage and conviction to speak the Truth of God, but that in the present age of both the country and the church, which have sold their souls to the power and pride of the radical homosexual faction, this is not allowed?

Could it possibly be that he is one of several priests who are the scapegoats for all other priests to cease and desist from speaking God’s Truth to the powerful and prideful civic and church authorities, or else the same thing will happen to them?

Is it not true that as Catholics we are called to love the sinner and to condemn the sin of homosexuality? Is it not true that as Catholics we do not speak against the sin of homosexuality because we think it is evil, but because God says it is evil and God loves us and wants us all to be in heaven with Him forever?

Father Clay spoke God’s Truth in God’s Love to the mayor of Del Rio, Texas and he spoke at the Bexar County Commissioners Court meeting in San Antonio, Texas against their proclamation of honoring homosexuality. Could it possibly be that for these actions, he was stripped of his priestly faculties?

Those who have ever heard Father Clay know that he speaks in a most kind and loving manner. Physically he is a big, strong man and spiritually he has a big, strong heart, who loves God above all else and loves everyone and wants them to love God and be with God forever in heaven.

Father Clay speaks as God’s priest, prophet, and king. He is being truthful in a respectful manner, explicitly speaking God’s Truth to the earthly authorities.

We never hear this being proclaimed from our pulpits; our priests are silent to the detriment of all especially the young people who believe the lies of the culture instead of believing the Truth of the Word of God.

Could it possibly be that when a brave and courageous priest dares to speak, he is swiftly silenced by the church authorities because some of them have bought into the demonic deceptions and are living immoral sexual lifestyles, some have been bought off by the green monster of greed that lavishly pays them to accept or simply ignore sinful sexual mores and some are merely fearful of saying anything to rock-the-boat, instead of having faith and leaving the boat to walk-on-the-water toward Our Lord Jesus Christ.

We must pray for Father Clay to have his priestly faculties restored and all those in church and civic authority to repent of this wrongdoing.

We can donate to the GoFundMe account that his sister has set up to pay for a canon lawyer to defend her brother.

Father Clay’s sister has posted these videos:

June 15, 2020: Save Fr. Clay Hunt

October 28, 2020: Fr. Clay update 10.28.2020

In a video posted by his sister she shares that he was mandated by the Archdiocese of San Antonio to undergo a psychological evaluation which determined that he didn’t have any mental or psychological issues. All who have met Father Clay will attest that he is “madly in love” with Our Lord Jesus Christ, “crazy” for Christ and “insanely unstoppable” in speaking God’s Truth and serving All People. He has been “fanatical” in bringing about the conversion of countless lives to the healing love of God.

His sister requests that “Letters of Love” correspondence be mailed to Father Henry Clay Hunt, III at P.O. Box 66, Brackettville, Texas 78832.

We can sign the petition to Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller  “Reinstate Father Clay Hunt’s Priestly Faculties” by the San Antonio Resistance Chapter of Church Militant.

We can have Masses offered for the Special Intention of Father Clay in the three Catholic churches in Del Rio, Texas and in the churches throughout the Archdiocese of San Antonio so that Father Clay’s name will be heard by all the priests and congregation present at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. His cause will resound throughout the church buildings and through live streaming on digital devices.

We must stop perpetuating these grave moral errors by refusing to donate to the Archdiocese of San Antonio. For the offertory collection we can write a note stating that no further donations will be given until Father Clay’s priestly faculties are restored.

We can be creative with our tithing, choosing instead to give to faithful and fruitful local organizations and institutions like Saint Vincent de Paul and Sacred Heart School.

God has made us to live in such a time as this because He knows this is the time that will make great saints. We must dearly desire to live for God and to one day be with Him in Heaven. We must act peacefully and prudentially, but we must act above all. 

Christ calls us to pray, spread God’s Word, take appropriate action and fight for our faith.

When it is the darkest of times; then is when we can shine our light the brightest.

When it is the lowest of times; then is when we can climb with all our might to the highest.

When it is the saddest of times; then is when we can radiate the brilliance of our joy the greatest.

God gave Father Clay his vocation and “The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind: ‘You are a priest forever’.” Psalm 110:4.

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.


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