President Trump’s 2020 Christian Christmas Message by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.


On December 10, 2020 President Trump along with First Lady Melania Trump stood on the White House balcony and delivered their Christmas Message to every family across America. Unfortunately the malicious, maddening media didn’t deem it worthy of their precious time to air it on their broadcasts or platforms.
President Trump’s Christmas Message can be found at:
Take a few minutes to treat yourself to view these excellent videos, John-Henry Westin of LifeSite News whose video is 3:53 minutes, Dr. Taylor Marshall whose video is 6:49 minutes and Michael Matt whose video is 4:22 minutes expertly dissect and expound on how truly President Trump’s speech invokes the Biblical and Gospel Message of the true meaning of Christmas.
These are some quotes which highlight the essence of President Trump’s Christmas speech:
- “a joyous time to remember God’s Greatest Gift to the world”

- “the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, he said, ‘Do not be afraid, you have found favor with God’. The Angel told her that she would give birth to a Baby Boy Jesus who would be called the Son of the Most High.”

- “Christ was born in the town of Bethlehem; the Son of the God came into the world in a humble stable.”

- “the Birth of Our Lord and Savior changed history forever”

- “God sent His only Son to die for us”

- “His Divine Word still fills our hearts with hope and faith”

- “During the Sacred Season our souls are full of thanks and praise to Almighty God for sending us Christ His Son to redeem the world”
President Trump began and ended his Christmas message with his signature Christmas greeting of “Merry Christmas” that has Made Christmas Great Again.
Long before there were “Happy Holidays” and “Season’s Greetings” there was the perennial salutation of Merry Christmas.
And so it came to pass that in 2020 A.D. the Year of Our Lord “Anno Domini” we are once again encouraged to express the true message and meaning of Christmas, because without Jesus Christ there would be no happy holiday to celebrate and there would be no reason to offer season’s greetings to anyone about anything.  
Some may retort that President Trump had a speech writer who wrote those beautiful words, well of course that is true, but then all modern day President’s have had speech writers. But that does not contradict the fact that President Trump delivered the speech and therefore made it his own.
Some may rejoin that he was merely being political, well of course that is true, but then haven’t all modern day Presidents been political, but at least he was not being “politically correct” instead he was being “historically correct”.
The Sacred Season of Christmas is factually based on Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition and President Trump was being “scripturally and traditionally correct” in delivering the truthful Christmas message.
President Trump is a Statesman because it takes a “statesman” to speak the truth, even though some may find it “an inconvenient or uncomfortable truth”.
Some people still believe the atheistic, corporate media cabal refusing to report on the Christmas Message delivered by President Trump.
Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

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