Life wins “bigly”! by Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

Life wins “bigly”! Life wins as Louisiana voters approved The Love Life Amendment to their state constitution, declaring there’s no right to kill babies in abortions. This election brought forth an astonishing number of newly elected Pro-Life women to the U.S. House of Representatives, 17 so far in races that have been called. There probably will be more Pro-Life women going to Congress because at this time there are still 5 races yet to be called and another will be a run-off. These young women represent various states including the “blue states” of New York and California. Ten out of the 17 won their seat by defeating their pro-abortion opponents who had previously held Congressional office. Pro-Life women are boldly smashing the myth that abortion is a women’s right, because for these women, and the men and women whom they represent the issue of life is a pre-eminent issue that resounds lovingly in their hearts and minds. Election Day was a big win for Pro-Life candidates ...