Catholic leaders who have criticized Biden’s pro-abortion stance in recent months

Catholic leaders who have criticized Biden’s pro-abortion stance in recent months:

Bishop Thomas John Paprocki – Catholic Bishop Blasts Joe Biden: He Will Force Americans to Fund Abortions
God bless Bishop Thomas John Paprock

Bishop Thomas J. Tobin – Catholic Bishop Says Pro-Abortion Joe Biden Isn’t Truly a Faithful Catholic
God bless Bishop Thomas J. Tobin

Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life – Catholic Priest: Catholics Can’t Vote for Joe Biden Because He’s Pro-Abortion
God bless Father Frank Pavone

Cardinal Raymond Burke – Catholic Cardinal on Denying Communion to Pro-Abortion Joe Biden: More Priests Should Do This
God bless Cardinal Raymond Burke 

Father Robert E. Morey – Catholic Priest Denies Joe Biden Communion Because He’s Pro-Abortion
God bless Father Robert E. Morey