July 19, 2020: Faith of First Family * Letters to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor,

Faith of the First Family

President Trump professes his Christian faith both in his speeches and in his policies. 
At the start of the pandemic President Trump called the nation to pray for our country and for the end of the COVID-19 crisis. 
He regularly has Christian pastors and preachers pray over him and expend their blessings upon him.

Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, and an active leader in President Trump’s re-election campaign adamantly notes that this president is the most pro-life, pro-family and pro-religious liberty president that this country has ever had.

Melania Trump is a Catholic; she was baptized in the Catholic Church as an infant. On her wedding day she carried a Rosary in her hands instead of a bridal flower bouquet when she ceremoniously walked down the aisle to marry Donald Trump. The couple was married by an Episcopalian priest.

Before moving into the White House Melania insisted that all pagan idols and voodoo paraphernalia that was in the building be removed and that a Catholic priest perform an exorcism inside the White House to rid it of all the evil spirits that might be present and bless the property, possessions and people who would inhabit the residence. The priest who performed the exorcism gave President Trump a statue of Our Lady of Fatima which remains in the White House.

When the President and the First Lady had a private visit with Pope Francis in the Vatican, she took her own Rosary to be blessed by the Pope. While at the Vatican she placed flowers under the statue of The Blessed Virgin Mary and made the Sign of the Cross.

She most recently accompanied the President as they laid a wreath of flowers at the feet of the statue of Pope John Paul II in Washington, D.C. to celebrate the signing of the historic measure to protect religious liberty throughout the world.

Their son Barron Trump is very close to his doting maternal grandparents who came from Slovenia and are old-school Catholics.

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.
Del Rio, Texas