March 10, 2020: Exit signs * Letters to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor,

Exit signs

There are a growing number of groups, especially minority groups, once taken for granted by the Democrat Party, that are experiencing a dramatic awakening to the truth - that they were taken advantage of, manipulated and lied to, used and then discarded once their votes had been cast. 

Prominent among these groups is the WalkAway movement started by a self-described, former low-information; lifelong Democrat voter who realized he had been lied to by the mainstream-media which he thought was honestly reporting the facts. 

He came to find out how covert and sinister they were controlling the narrative and distorting the picture to fit their leftist agenda. 

He felt betrayed, deceived, and sought to find out the truth. His eyes were opened; his mind was changed when he discovered the truth.  

Others leaving the Democrat Party are BLEXIT, LEXIT, CAXIT, and JEXODUS/EXODUS.

BLEXIT is a movement of Black/African-Americans exiting the Democrat Party. 

LEXIT is a movement of Latino/Hispanic-Americans exiting the Democrat Party. 

CAXIT is a movement of Catholics exiting the Democrat Party. 

JEXODUS/EXODUS is a movement of Jews exiting the Democrat Party.

They see “so help me God” deleted from the oath for witnesses testifying in Congressional hearings and Democrat Congressional members vilifying Christian and Jewish faiths.

They notice the radicalization by Democrat legislators of abortion up until the moment of birth, or more hideous if born-alive after a botched abortion then left to die under the euphemism “comfort care”; baby body parts sold to make more money for the abortion industry. 

They view Democrat leaders calling for businesses to be boycotted because the owners are Christians who adhere to the tenets of Biblical teachings and donate to organizations promoting Christian values.

People deserting the Democrat Party are experiencing a great awakening, realizing the truth that their ideals more closely align with the conservative-principles championed by the Republican Party.

These groups have awakened to the reality they have more in common with Republicans; because Democrats have abandoned them. 

These movements are gaining momentum, leaving the Democrat Party in droves.

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

Del Rio, Texas