February 21, 2020:Fifth annual baby shower held in three Del Rio parishes * Today's Catholic

Fifth Annual Baby Shower, Del Rio

On January 25, the three Catholic parishes in Del Rio: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Sacred Heart and St. Joseph, gathered to support the Fifth Annual Baby Shower to benefit Amistad Pregnancy Care Center. 

Father Jaime Paniagua, pastor of St. Joseph Church, offered the Parish Hall for the Baby Shower.

The Baby Shower was organized by The Little Handmaids of Our Sorrowful Mother, under the leadership of Co-Coordinators Cami Murphy and Rosie Aguilar. 

Rosie Aguilar is President of the Board of Directors of Amistad Pregnancy Care Center, which has been in existence since 1996.

The following groups contributed: The Knights of Columbus, Alvernia, Guadalupanas, Renovacion, Altar Servers and Life Teen from St. Joseph Parish.

The event is a practical way of defending and supporting the Sanctity of Human Life, by providing money and material goods to assist mothers and their babies.

Approximately 200 attended bringing beautiful gifts for present and future clients of the Pregnancy Center. 

The Baby Shower raised $938 along with an assortment of clothes of all sizes from new born to toddler, diapers, baby blankets, toys, baby bottles and various other items to augment the supplies on hand given to anyone who comes to the Pregnancy Center requesting assistance. 

Those in attendance enjoyed an afternoon of playing loteria, for a worthy cause, with the special surprise loteria prize being souvenirs from the Holy Land. 

Cynthia Wainer, member of St Joseph Church, who along with her husband Jim Wainer, are leaders of the city-wide pro-life organization Del Río 4 Life, had this to say about the Baby Shower:  “I believe it is essential to provide any support we can give to the Pregnancy Center by means of volunteering as Counselors or peer support, by donating essential goods needed for mothers and their babies or financial assistance to assist with operational costs. The center cannot survive without the collaborative support of the citizens of our community. This is a center that is designed to provide basic and essential support for the most vulnerable citizens of our community.”

Submitted by Rosie Aguilar and Marian Casillas