January 28, 2020: Diversity of pro-life movement * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor, 

Diversity of pro-life movement!

The truth is the pro-life movement is extremely diverse.

People of different ideologies, political parties, and belief systems care about preborn babies and work wholeheartedly to protect them. 

Few in the public know that there are passionate pro-lifers who are feminists, secularists and peace activists. 

There are numerous feminist groups that oppose abortion, and pro-peace/antiwar groups that oppose all forms of violence, abortion 
included among those forms of violence to be renounced and rejected. 

Far too many people reject the pro-life message not because they have thoroughly thought it through or carefully considered it, but because they associate a pro-life stance with those who are religious or right-wing.
There is a pro-life group for just about everyone, from atheists and humanists to peace activists. 

If more people knew this, maybe they would pay more attention to the pro-life message and evaluate it on its own merits.

People don’t have to be religious or conservative to be pro-life advocates.

The main stream media appears so enmeshed in the stereotype of what pro-lifers are supposed to be that they are blind and deaf to the fact that they are actually discriminating against a vast array of groups of people. 

The traditional media is overwhelmingly pro-abortion/pro-choice and pro-death/anti-life. 

Their claim of tolerance and diversity does not hold true when it comes to pro-lifers. 

Any and all news is all always on the side of being against and censoring pro-lifers and pro-life activities and events.

People who would never discriminate in any other context will do it to pro-lifers. 

The reality is that there exists a great diversity of pro-life groups such as New Wave Feminists, Atheists for Life, And Then There Were None, Bikers for Life, Silent No More, Consistent Life Network, American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians & Gynecologists, Physicians for Life, Libertarians for Life and Secular Pro-Life to name but just a few of the many that exist to carry the mantle of the cause for life.

There exists an extraordinary diversity of people in the pro-life movement!

Marian Casillas, Ed.D
Del Rio, Texas