October 8, 2019: Hoaxer, Huckster, Hawker * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor,

Hoaxer, Huckster and Hawker

Once upon a time there were three little Democrats who desperately wanted to tear down the White House.

Hoaxer, the first little Democrat said, “The Russian scandal is the secret weapon that will cause the White House to be blown away”.

So he huffed and puffed until he was blue-in-the-face.

But as it turned out the entire argument was built-on-straw and the Russian scandal eventually collapsed while the White House stood standing strong.

Huckster, the second little Democrat said, “The Ukrainian scandal is going to be the secret weapon that will definitely cause the White House to be shattered to smithereens”. “The Ukrainian scandal is a lot stronger than the Russian scandal”, he adamantly asserted.

So he huffed and puffed until he was “deep-state” blue-in-the-face.

But as it turned out the entire premise was built on shaky pick-up sticks and the false assertion eventually came tumbling down.

Hawker, the third little Democrat said, “The Martian scandal is definitely the secret weapon that will ultimately cause the White House to be obliterated”. “The Martian scandal is the strongest of all the scandals that could be fabricated; the Martian scandal is made of Kryptonite, which renders the President powerless”, he energetically exclaimed.

He told everyone who would listen, “The President is a Martian secret-agent who has come to demolish all earthly inhabitants, which is why the President created the Space Force and U.S. Space Command, to be activated by 2020”.

Hawker, the third little Democrat howled and hollered: “Can’t you people see the presidential election is in 2020 and we must impeach the president before he is re-elected. He is really a Martian secret-agent sent to the United States to create the Space Force and turn around and use it against all the people on the planet!”

So he huffed and puffed until he turned into a blue-skinned Avatar alien and was swiftly shipped to Area 51 never to be seen or heard from again.

Fortunately, the White House stood strong and the President lived happily ever after!

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.

Del Rio, Texas