Dear little handmaids and friends, I wrote the attached sharings in September 2011. It is a work of love, the Love of the Lord and my love in union with Him, so I am moved to share it again. It is my intimacy with Jesus in and through my beloved daughter, Sofia. I hope you will be blessed in reading it. In the love of Jesus and His Holy Mother, Cami -- Little Handmaids of Our Sorrowful Mother And Mary said, "Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word." (Lk 1:38) The Beloved In honor of Our Lady of Sorrows, whose feast we celebrate on September 15. She is our Sorrowful Mother, who suffered all with her Son, Jesus, and continues to suffer with all of her children. When Sofia was first diagnosed, at the age of 4, with pervasive developmental disorder, it was a terrifying time for me. We were living in a town where we had no ...