June 25, 2019: Socialism 101 * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor,

Socialism 101

One day, Suzy asked her Auntie Libby, named after Lady Liberty, to explain Socialism to her. 

Suzy looked up to her Auntie Libby, thinking highly of her.

Auntie Libby proceeded to elucidate with a story.

One day there was a young girl, everyone called Savvy Suzy, because she was very smart and sensible. 

Suzy decided she wanted to make money selling lemonade. 

She made a plan, set about to implement it. 

And come Saturday morning she set-up her lemonade stand in front of her house and sold her cool, refreshing, freshly squeezed, delicious drinks all throughout the day to all who wanted to quench their parched thirst. 

She did a brisk, bustling business, she was very proud of herself and her accomplishment of being a young entrepreneur.

As she was closing, Uncle Sammy drove up to her lemonade stand and inquired how much she had made. Suzy proudly proclaimed, “One hundred dollars!” 

He took out a list and began to rattle off: “You owe me a fee of $25 for setting up a business venture, $25 for your food-handlers permit, $25 for taxes, and $25 for your next door neighbor Lucy who gets to share in your money-making endeavor, so there won’t be any income inequality.”

Suzy staunchly stated, “But Lazy Lucy, that’s how Suzy referred to her next door neighbor, didn’t do anything to deserve my money. I worked hard all day. I woke up early on a Saturday morning, while she slept till noon.  I planned everything and got everything ready. I stood out here and sold lemonade, while she leisurely had a late breakfast and spent the day on social media. It’s not fair.”

Uncle Sammy rapidly responded, “Everyone gets to share everything, that’s the law. So pay your fair share.”

Suzy looked at her money, reluctantly handing it all to Uncle Sammy.

Smiling, Uncle Sammy said, “See you next Saturday.”

Speaking softly and sadly, Savvy Suzy said, “I won’t be selling lemonade ever again.”

“The end,” Auntie Libby concluded, “That’s the story of socialism”.

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.
Del Rio, Texas