April 2, 2019: Revolting revolutions * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor,

Revolting revolutions

It’s not that history repeats itself; it’s that people ignorant of history are bound to repeat the same mistakes.

Each generation grapples with their own set of problems hoping to find solutions, each generation stumbles upon what they think will solve their problems, magically transporting them to paradise. Except that what seemed like paradise in their dreams, always turns into prisons in reality. 

Drug addicts don’t set out to have a drug addiction; the drugs were taken for pleasurable enhancement but soon turned into punishing enchainment.

The French-Enlightenment Revolution effectively enthroned the “enlightened”, dethroned the Divine and the divinely ordained precepts of God.

The Russian-Communist Revolution violently and radically instituted “realpolitik” the system of politics based on practicality rather than morality.

The German-Nazi Revolution supported the seemingly perfect specimen of “Superman” symbolizing strength, superiority and supremacy.

Each of these revolutions which were supposed to usher in utopia instead brought about a blighted barbarism and a bloodbath of butchery. Promises turned into penalties. 

A government that was thought to bring glorious and glowing wonders instead brought gruesome and gory wreckage, the aberrant and abhorrent result of all Godless revolutions.

When belief in God was eliminated during the French-Enlightenment Revolution, religion was replaced with the guillotine.  

When belief in God was eradicated during the Russian-Communist Revolution, religion was replaced with the gulag (political prison). 

When belief in God was exterminated during the German-Nazi Revolution, religion was replaced with the gas chamber. 

The Godly, heavenly virtues of beauty, goodness and truth, are inevitably replaced with the demonic, hellish vices of depravity, decadence, and deception. 

If there was no God to judge right from wrong then the guillotine, the gulag and the gas chamber became the Judgment Seat executing the “unenlightened” during the French-Enlightenment Revolution, imprisoning the “dissenters” during the Russian-Communist Revolution, and asphyxiating the “unworthy of life” during the German-Nazi Revolution.

Read, research and learn your history lessons. Do we keep what we have, peace and prosperity, or do we want what the Democratic Socialists have to offer, resistance and revolution?

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.
Del Rio, Texas