February 10, 2019: 'Snake news' * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor,

“Snake news”

It is no longer merely “fake news” that the mainstream media spews, rather it is more scary and sinister because it is “snake news” that slithers and slides along on its hidden and hideous underbelly, ever ready to sink its teeth with venomous vocabulary. 

The leftists’ media is only concerned with enforcing politically-correct speech when it is to their benefit, but it doesn’t matter the vile and vitriolic vocabulary that is utilized against their opponents. 

Now their perceived enemy and politically-incorrect opponent is a teenage boy from Kentucky, wearing a red baseball cap with the slogan “Make America Great Again”, who was in Washington, D.C. with his Catholic high school group to attend the 46th Annual March for Life.

We must demand that the media regard children as being “off limits”.   Just like the news media has placed the president’s children as being “off limits” since President Obama took office, now all children must be given that same consideration, because a short video clip was used to misrepresent the entirety of a situation. 

One teenage boy was viciously maligned and hastily castigated because one senior-citizen man was allowed to tell only his side of the story. 

“Snake news” reporters only tell the narrative that fits into their leftist-leaning agenda.  Forget about telling the truth; only remember to report the party line; that is the motto of the “snake news” reporters. 

They want us to believe that they’re so noble and sincere, that they’re all about “fact checking”. Well, where were all the “fact checkers” on this story. The sound of CRICKETS is all that could be heard emanating from the news media.  

After the fact that there were apologies, retractions and deletions doesn’t suddenly wipe it all away, the damage has already been done.  The life of this teenage boy has been maliciously and irreparably harmed.

Word to the wise:  Don’t believe everything reported in the mainstream media. Be skeptical and suspicious of social media. 

Look what happened to Adam and Eve when they believed “snake news”.

Marian Casillas, Ed.D. 
Del Rio, Texas