January 25, 2019: Amistad Pregnancy Care Center 'Baby Shower' * Community Pride * Del Rio News-Herald

“Baby Shower” for Amistad Pregnancy Care Center This is your most cordial invitation to the “Baby Shower” for the benefit of Amistad Pregnancy Care Center. All women in our community are invited to attend. The Baby Shower will take place on Saturday, January, 26 from 12 noon to 3:00 p.m. at St. Joseph Parish Hall, 510 Wernett St. There will be lots of food, fun and fellowship. Before you forget, put this event in your calendar, because you know that whenever you want to do a good deed, unfortunately problems and obstacles always seem to get in the way. Therefore, please pray for the success of the Baby Shower and make every effort to attend. You will truly enjoy it and will be looking forward to attending again. You may ask, “What do I take to the “Baby Shower?” Amistad Pregnancy Care Center is always in need of baby clothing, diapers, formula and of course monetary donations are always appreciated. You can look for diaper coupons in the newspap...