December 11, 2018: It's socialism, baby! * Letter to the Editor * OPINION * Del Rio News-Herald

Letter to the Editor,

It’s Socialism, Baby!

Kids grow up protected by their parents, and then they want to continue being protected by their government. If they’re fortunate, their parents were loving guardians, they likewise want to believe that their government will take care of them and love them.

Their parents made sure they were fed, clothed, housed and entertained. The food was free. The clothes were free. The rent was free. The pastimes and pleasures they partook of were free. Free is the only world they know. 

Their parents kept them cool in the summer, warm in the winter. They softened the harsh winds of life that pounded and pummeled them in the lifeboat that kept them afloat from drowning in the flood of sorrow and tears. 

Life in the family was a socialist paradise and they want this lifestyle to continue all life-long. Just like their parents protected them and provided everything free for them, they want the government to take the place of their parents and continue protecting them and providing everything free for them.

As they grow up they should want to be independent and stand on their own two feet and face the strange and unfamiliar world that surrounds them and not want to continue in their dependence either to their parents or to their government.

They are afraid to fend for themselves; they need Big Government to look out after them, just like Mom and Dad did when they were kids. Risks and uncertainty are all around and they must make decisions; they would much rather have Big Government make those hard and challenging decisions for them. 

Just like they looked up to their parents, now they look up to their Big Leaders. Big Government will protect them from all those big, bad bullies who call them names and hurt their feelings.

When they fell down and scraped their knee, they ran to Mom to make things right, kiss their boo-boo and send them off to play. They want their security blanket; they mistakenly think it is socialism.

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.
Del Rio, Texas