August 8, 2018: Del Rio News-Herald * OPINION * Letter to the Editor * Storytelling time

Letter to the Editor,

It’s storytelling time again

But I hate to inform you, unfortunately there’s no story to tell.
The pit is empty; well the only pit that is empty is the pit of my stomach.
The ink well has run dry, well there are no more ink wells to run dry, since I do not use pen and ink to write but tap my fingers on the keys of the computer keyboard;  letters and words magically appear on the screen in front of me. Oh, the marvels of technology! Oh, the wonder of it all!
There is nothing new under the sun, well the sun has not come out yet, it is still dark outside and the early morning light of dawn is still some time away.
There is no news to tell, no stories to share, no information to impart. Nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Oh no, but wait, this can’t be true! I’ll find something to write about, there must be something.
Just like I feed my stomach, I’ll feed my mind. Just like I’m trying to eat healthier and stay away from junk food; I’ll feed my mind with healthy and hearty reading and stay away from junk media.
Now what you may ask is junk media, certainly not the local city newspaper and not the blog “Articles for Heart Mind Soul”.
Let’s say everything on television. Everything? Yes, everything! Oh, I take that back, except for the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN).
But I don’t watch it on the TV set; I view selected videos and programs on my tablet.
And speaking of tablet, no not like the Big Chief writing tablet that children used to use in elementary school, but the electronic, internet connected device. I’m sure the Big Chief writing tablets are politically incorrect and most certainly have been banned from entering any enlightened educational establishment worth its weight in gold. But wait; there is no more gold standard, so that also is passé. Now the latest trend is trading in Bitcoin. But that’s another story.

Marian Casillas, Ed.D. - Del Rio, Texas