July 9, 2018: San Antonio Express-News * OPINION * Letters to the Editor * Your Turn * The real meanings
The real meanings
There is a deep disconnect between what people say and what
words really mean.
Cecile Richards, daughter of former Texas Gov. Ann Richards and
former CEO of Planned Parenthood, stated she had been “honored” to fight for
Is it honorable to kill babies in their mother’s womb? Isn’t it
something “dishonorable”?
And “fight” for abortion? If it is a good thing, there wouldn’t
be any reason to have to fight for abortion. Does anyone have to “fight” to
have an appendectomy, a tonsillectomy or coronary artery bypass surgery, or
have a decayed tooth extracted?
Of course not; these procedures are performed by medical
professionals who practice the art and science of healing.
The terms “reproductive health,” “reproductive rights,” “health care”
and “women’s rights” really mean “abortion.”
More suitable words are used to convey what is actually
happening, and that is the killing and murder of an innocent baby inside his or
her mother’s womb.
And another word never to be spoken is “baby.” It’s not a
“baby”; it’s a “fetus.” The dictionary definition of “fetus” is “an unborn
offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby (there’s that pesky
word again that is not to be spoken) more than eight weeks after conception.”
Reality seems to say one thing and Planned Parenthood seems to
say something else.
Marian Casillas, Del Rio