January 7, 2018: Del Rio News-Herald * Letter to the Editor * Conversion of a former secularist

Letter to the Editor,

Conversion of a former secularist

Noah Faith was raised a secularist, everyone around him was a secularist.
Now he has grown so sick and tired of their rejection of religion and their reverence of relativism. 
He is drained by their undisguised contempt, with no effort to temper their response with humility or empathy.
He is exhausted by their unexamined snobbery and their demeaning condescension.
He is fatigued by their hateful name-calling and their standards of supposedly high intelligence.
He is jaded by their trendiness, jumping on every leftist liberal bandwagon that comes along and then acting like anyone not on board is an idiot/hater.
He is tired of their shallowness. 
He is worn-out by their acceptance of vulgarity and obscene irreverence in the cultural milieu. 
He likes pop culture as much as the next person, but people who would never raise their kids on junk food seem to think nothing of letting then wallow in cultural junk, exposed to nothing ennobling, enlightening, much less eternal.
He is uninspired by their lack of interest in any form of serious morality or supreme values, as they believe that being a person who holds the correct political views and is tolerant is all there is, and there is nothing else that really matters. 
He is bored by their bitterness and exasperated by their emptiness.
It feels stressful and strange to abandon his former self.
But for his own good and the good of those around him he feels he must do what is right.
He is looking into and studying the tenets of the Christian faith and eager to understand and accept the basic Christian doctrines.
Secularism seems so empty and vacuous in so many ways, despite all the things his educated, middle-class colleagues have to be grateful for. 
Yet they are never grateful, they are always growling, grumpy and grouchy. 
If that’s all they have and that's what’s been handed down to him, he wants much more. 
He wants the things that really matter in life, with meaning and purpose and eternal significance.

Marian Casillas Ed.D.
Del Rio