October 8, 2017: Del Rio News-Herald * Letter to the Editor * Critical or cruise-control thinkier

Letter to the Editor,

Critical or cruise-control thinker

Hello my name is Polly Parrott and I am proud to proclaim that I am a Main Stream Media Muppet (MSMM).  I proudly carry the label of Main Stream Media Muppet because all I ever do is merely regurgitate everything the mainstream media puts forth as facts and truth.

Don’t tell me it is merely their opinion, because if it is their opinion then it instantaneously becomes my opinion also.

I do not have a single, solitary thought of my own. All my thoughts come from the Main Stream Media moguls.

In conversations with friends and family I parrot the phrases and points of view that the media personalities repeatedly put forth and relentlessly push on us.

I robotically repeat word for word, what the broadcasters spew forth as gospel truth. The gospel according to the Main Stream Media is my bible. In my mind it’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, for so they tell me. I have faith in them and believe everything they say. I sit at the altar of adulation of the Main Stream Media and worship their every word.

Their ideas are imbedded into my unconsciousness; I am imbued with their intelligent and insightful information.

Their ideas automatically become my ideas. I don’t take the time to really think about things. Why should I? That’s why I have the main stream media for, to think for me.

I just sit there and absorb their attitudes, their mindsets and their worldview. Who has time to be a critical thinker? I’m so busy with everything I have to do; I can’t expend my precious energy on critical thinking, that’s too hard for me.

All I want to do is relax and put my mind on cruise-control thinking and be brainwashed by the propaganda of the controlling agents who run the media conglomerates.

Don’t’ be a mindless Main Stream Media Muppet (MSMM); make up your own mind about media matters.

Don't just be a cruise-control thinker; instead be a critical thinker.

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.
Del Rio