October 17, 2017: Del Rio News-Herald * Letter to the Editor * Tex-Mex tale-a-mundo

Letter to the Editor,

Tex-Mex Tale-a-mundo

Ranita Radiante is serenely sitting on the south shore of the Rio Bravo contemplating why people think it’s such an insult to say that ‘you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince’. 

“I would rather kiss a lot of frogs than find a prince. What good is a prince? He’ll probably eat my frog legs and think it is a most magnificent meal. But I need my frog legs to hippity-hop around the river looking for a most handsome frog.”

Froggy Finedude is happily hoppity-hipping all around the Rio Grande when he comes across the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. He quickly makes his way to sit alongside her. 

He gallantly introduces himself, “Hello to the fairest frog on this river or any river in the world. What do my eyes behold but the most beautiful creature that God has placed in His good earth? It is an honor and a privilege to make your acquaintance. I’m Froggy Finedude at your service,” he dashingly says.

“I’m Ranita Radiante,” she demurely responds. 

Oh, what a most handsome and gallant frog is he, she smiles as she thinks to herself. I hope if I kiss him, he won’t turn into an ugly prince. Because what a most shocking thing that would be and what horror of horrors for him to be turned into such an ugly specimen of a human being, when he’s the most handsome of frogs I’ve ever laid eyes upon. I’ll not take the chance of having him turn into a prince, so I’ll swear to never kiss him. This promise I do make and so help me God I hope to never break.

After courting for some time, Froggy asks Ranita if they can kiss. She discloses her fear of having him turn into an ugly prince.

“I thoroughly understand,” says Froggy, “I’m also afraid that you’ll turn into a frightful princess.”

So together they vow never to kiss each other, so that they’ll forever remain beautiful Ranita and handsome Froggy.

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.
Del Rio