May 30, 2017: Del Rio News-Herald * LOCAL * Letter to the Editor * What is the greatest predictor of success?

Letter to the Editor, Greatest Predictor of Success What is the greatest predictor of success? Success: meaning happiness, financial security and relationships. Is it wealth, intelligence, hard work, or good looks? It is none of these. The greatest predictor of success is the ability to delay gratification. In a "Stossel in the Classroom" segment, John Stossel spoke about a research study conducted using marshmallows that demonstrated the value of self-denial. In the study originally done in the 1960s, social scientists took four-year-old children and the moderator would say, “I have a marshmallow for you. You may eat it right now, or, if you can wait until I return in 15 minutes, I will give you a second marshmallow. In the original study and in every reproduction, one third of the children were able to avoid eating their marshmallow. Researchers followed up on the children and 100% of those that had not eaten the ...