
Showing posts from April, 2017

April 28, 2017: Del Rio News-Herald * OPINION * Letter to the Editor * Weather changes

Letter to the Editor Weather changes Mr.  Climate and Mr. Seasons have been next door neighbors for many years. It’s January; the weather is unseasonal for this time of year, rather warm and mild. Seasons: Looks like we’re having a warm spell. Climate: Yes, it’s due to global warming that is adversely affecting our planet. Seasons: I just think God is giving us a break from all the cold and dreary weather. And thank God for that because we needed some relief from all the cold weather. Climate: I don’t believe in God, I just believe in science. And science definitively proves that there is global warming and that is the reason for this warm and mild weather we are experiencing in January. Seasons: Have a nice day and enjoy the warm and mild weather. Climate: How can I enjoy the warm and mild weather when I know the destruction that global warming is causing all around the world and how we are responsible for the end of the wo...

Invitation for all Legion of Mary active and auxiliary members - Celebrating the 70th Anniversary 1947 - 2017

LEGION DE MARIA Celebrating the 70 th Anniversary 1947-2017 On Saturday, May 6, 2017 At 12 noon At St. Joseph Church Parish Hall Archbishop Gustavo Garcia Siller Will speak at the Legion of Mary 70 th Anniversary Banquet *********************************** Celebrando el 70º  aniversario 1947-2017 El sábado, 6 de mayo A la 12 del mediodía En el Salón Parroquial de la Iglesia de San José Arzobispo Gustavo García Siller Hablará en el Banquete del 70º  aniversario De la Legión de María

April 23, 2017: Happy Feast Day of Divine Mercy, celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of Easter.

The Divine Mercy message is one we can call to mind simply by remembering ABC: A  - Ask for His Mercy. God wants us to approach Him in prayer constantly, repenting of our sins and asking Him to pour His mercy out upon us and upon the whole world. B  - Be merciful. God wants us to receive His mercy and let it flow through us to others. He wants us to extend love and forgiveness to others just as He does to us. C  - Completely trust in Jesus. God wants us to know that the graces of His mercy are dependent upon our trust. The more we trust in Jesus, the more we will receive. 

Pro-Life Testimony at Sunday Masses by Cami Murphy

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I would like to share with you the testimony that I was blessed to give at 3 Masses at Sacred Heart Church in Del Rio, Texas on the weekend of April 1 and 2. I send it as my Easter greeting and as a testimony of Our Father's loving mercy, and I pray that it will be a source of grace for each person who receives it. Gathered in His Hands When I returned to the Catholic Church in 1992, after a separation of almost 30 years, I came back with heavy burdens on my heart and soul. As a young woman I had had abortions. I came back into the Church eager to receive the Sacrament o Reconciliation.   At my general confession on that blessed day, I felt as if I laid down a bag of heavy rocks. I knew that God had forgiven me for all of my grievous sins, and I have come to trust that, through that sacrament, Jesus took all of those sins away.   For my penance Father told me to name my children and to write a love letter to each of them. ...

April 19, 2017: Del Rio News-Herald * OPINION * Letter to the Editor * Begin a pro-life revolution

Letter to the Editor, Begin a pro-life revolution Whenever it is our birthday, let us thank God and our mother and father for giving us the most wonderful, precious gift of our existence, our life to live. The quintessential gift among all other gifts to be given is the gift of life, no other gift can compare. “Thank God for my life. Thank you Mom and Dad for cooperating with God’s Eternal Plan of having me come into this world.” Whenever you know that it’s someone’s birthday or whenever you see it's someone's birthday on Facebook, or when someone tells you it's their birthday, you should make a point of telling them, "Happy birthday and I'm so glad you were born!" You will be totally astonished and amazed at how moved they are, many responding with "Wow, thanks so much!” “No one has ever said that to me before.” “That was the best birthday gift ever!” We need to be saying these words to one another.  Take the t...

QUE TRABAJO REALIZAMOS LOS MIEMBROS AUXILIARES DE LA LEGION DE MARIA - Blog: Vivencias de mi Fe Catolica Poemas, Escritos y Testimonios? Posted by Rosa Maria Alfaro

El viernes pasado en la vigilia que hago por la salvación de las almas, se me dicto’ un Mensaje y digo, se me dicto’,por que,yo no estaba pensando en nada ,solo estaba  rezando,contemplando a a JESUS y diciéndole cuanto lo amo,casi todo lo que escribo en mi blog,sea poesías,cantos,mensajes,anécdotas,oraciones, me sucede en diferentes tiempos ,pero especialmente en las vigilias.El mensaje se trataba de los miembros auxi liares,de LA LEGION DE MARIA, yo puse mucha atención ,por que yo soy una de ellas y también pertenesco, a otros apostolados,que también soy auxiliar. El mensaje es el siguiente,para y por que’ existen auxiliares, cual es el propósito,que trabajo Realizamos,escuche’ que un legionario activo esta’ estudiado,preparado y lo sabe.pero DIOS Sabe que hay muchos auxiliares,a los cuales solo,se les proporciona ,LA CATENA Y UN ROSARIO Recorde’ que a mi’ me sucedió’,solo que el ESPIRITU SANTO se encargo’ de ensenarme. La catena y...

April 16, 2017: Easter Sunday - Resurrection of Our Lord * A Happy and Holy Easter!

A Prayer for Easter Oh God, who this day by Your only-begotten Son vanquishing death, has unlocked for us the gate of eternity, help us to attain the desires to which You have led us by Your inspirations. We ask this through the same Christ our Lord. Amen. Oh God, as we renew our Baptismal vows, help us to be made worthy of Eternal Life, that we may always seek to do Your will in our hearts and minds, that we may show others Your saving grace and Your love. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen. Oh God, who makes the faithful to be of one mind and will, grant that we, Your people; may love what you command and desire what You promise so that, amid the changing things of this world, our hearts may be fixed where true joys are to be found. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

April 9, 2017: Del Rio News-Herald * LOCAL * Letter to the Editor * Tilting at windmills

Letter to the Editor, Tilting at windmills Somewhere in Val Verde, a cowboy named Don Quemado lives; he always has a rifle and drives an old pick-up truck, Rosina. He travels with his faithful companion, a sheep-herding dog named Pancho. He is a cowboy in the Wild West who defends the helpless and destroys the wicked, all for the sake of his damsel in distress, Dulcina. One day he catches sight of a ridge with giant monsters lined up to overtake the populace of Val Verde. “There”, he tells Pancho, “are the monstrous giants whom I mean to engage in battle for God’s good service, to sweep so evil and vile a breed off the face of this good earth God has given us to preserve and protect”. Pancho merely tilts his head sideways in a quizzical manner. “I see you do not understand what we are truly fighting against”, Don Quemado tells Pancho. Pancho sheepishly responds with a whimper, never one to question his friend, but seeing only modern, energy-pro...

April 4, 2017: Del Rio News-Herald * OPINION * Letter to the Editor * Russian computer hackers

Letter to the Editor, Russian computer hackers Boris and Igor, twin teen brothers living in Moscow, Russia are laughingly discussing all their previous successful computer hacks to date and they are also thinking about what their next big hacking mission might be. Boris: Remember when we messed with the American presidential election. We got into all those computers of that Democratic Party. And those emails we hacked went viral and caused that lady Hillary to lose and that guy Trump to win. That was a lot of fun. Igor: Yes and the Americans are still talking about it all over their news media. They’re blaming Putin. Boris: Well poor Putin and his bungling spy guys who couldn’t do all the stuff we’ve been able to do. Igor: Then we messed up the Academy Awards show. We got the winner of the Best Picture award all mixed up. That was also a lot of fun. Boris: And remember how we got all those great scoring plays into the computer of the New ...

Consagracion al Corazon Casto de San Jose - Vivencias de mi Fe Catolica: Poemas, Escritos y Testimonios Posted by Rosa Maria Alfaro

Guardián de las vírgenes y santo padr e San José, a cuyo fiel cuidado fueron encomendados Cristo Jesús, la Inocencia misma, y María, Virgen de las vírgenes; Yo…………………… me consagro a tu Honor y me entrego enteramente a Ti, para que seas siempre mi padre, mi protector, amigo y mi guía en el camino de la Salvación.  Obtén para mí una gran pu- reza de corazón y un amor ferviente por la vida interior.  Te pido y suplico que, siendo preservado(a) de toda impureza, pueda con una mente limpia, un corazón puro y un cuerpo casto, servir siempre más castamente a Jesús y María todos los días de mi vida.  Siguiendo tu ejemplo que pueda yo también realizar todas mis acciones para la mayor Gloria del Padre, en unión con el Sagrado Corazón de Jesús y el Inmaculado Corazón de María; y Tú, oh bendito San José, ruega por mí para que pueda participar de la paz y alegría de tu santa muerte y vida.  Amén.