April 28, 2017: Del Rio News-Herald * OPINION * Letter to the Editor * Weather changes

Letter to the Editor Weather changes Mr. Climate and Mr. Seasons have been next door neighbors for many years. It’s January; the weather is unseasonal for this time of year, rather warm and mild. Seasons: Looks like we’re having a warm spell. Climate: Yes, it’s due to global warming that is adversely affecting our planet. Seasons: I just think God is giving us a break from all the cold and dreary weather. And thank God for that because we needed some relief from all the cold weather. Climate: I don’t believe in God, I just believe in science. And science definitively proves that there is global warming and that is the reason for this warm and mild weather we are experiencing in January. Seasons: Have a nice day and enjoy the warm and mild weather. Climate: How can I enjoy the warm and mild weather when I know the destruction that global warming is causing all around the world and how we are responsible for the end of the wo...