Ponder this! All praise to God, our Life! by Cami Murphy

My brothers and sisters in Christ,

Yesterday I was richly blessed to give my pro-life testimony at 2 Masses, and it was one of the greatest spiritual blessings that I have received in years. Thanks be to God!

I want to thank all who were praying for me before and during the Masses. I felt the "peace that passeth all understanding" throughout the day, most profoundly during my testimony. Fr. Cesar, the celebrating priest, said before I spoke that my testimony contained the teachings of the Church, as I understood them from my life experiences. I felt the most profound experience of the Holy Spirit that I have ever felt.

On the way to the first Mass, I was filled with this immense gratitude. It seemed like it must be filling the whole sky, and I believe that it was the gratitude of God Our Father, Jesus our Savior, and the Holy Spirit our Life, the gratitude of Our Blessed Mother, and the gratitude of all the saints and angels, for the testimony that I would give, for the sake of the unborn babies and their mothers, and for the glory of our Merciful God.

If you haven't already voted, please don't forget to vote pro-life tomorrow. Don't get caught up in the candidates' personalities. The spiritual battle to save the babies, and to protect the dignity of their mothers, is in the hands of God. Most importantly, it is souls that we seek to save. If we choose life, we choose to live in God's kingdom. If we choose death, we, often unconsciously, choose to live in the kingdom of Satan. Ponder this!

All praise to God, our Life!
