June 7, 2016: Del Rio News-Herald * OPINION * Letter to the Editor * Debate: Sanders vs. Trump?

Letter to the Editor,

First presidential debate

Fast forward to the future, to the first presidential debate between Bernie Sanders, Democrat and Donald Trump, Republican.

How did we get to this stage of the political game? 

Stranger things have happened, but let us go back and retrace the path our nation took to get to this point in history.

In the Democratic Party the candidates started dropping out of the race until there was only Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

And then the unimaginable and unthinkable happened.

The FBI criminal probe into former Secretary of State Clinton’s unsecured email account found that she relied on her home server and other private devices to send and store classified documents which is a security violation leading to criminal charges.

It was proven that Clinton knowingly sent, received and stored classified information in an unauthorized location.

She was prosecuted for unlawfully breaking the federal security statute mandated by Congress and found guilty of all charges.

The President pardoned her 3 year prison sentence and $300,000 fine. 

That is how Bernie Sanders was not only literally the last man standing; he was the only Democrat still standing.

In the Republican Party, the candidates slowly dwindled down throughout the campaign season. 

The Governors, the Senators and the so called “outsiders” also left one by one.

The race went on until the presumptive candidate, Donald Trump, was eventually nominated at the Republican National Convention.

And that is how we got to this point, where Sanders and Trump are facing off in the first presidential debate.

As both candidates walk on stage and stand behind their respective podiums, they both shake hands, then they both shout into their microphones, “America, you just got punk’d!” and behind them the curtain drops with the banner emblazoned with the words: “America, you just got punk’d!”

The greatest practical joke has been successfully played on all the citizens of this country.

The comic duo of Sanders and Trump headlining in Las Vegas are the reigning rulers of the most elaborate “reality show” in the world.

Wake up; it’s just a bad dream. You mean it’s a real nightmare.

Marian Casillas, Ed.D.