March 27, 2015: "The Way of the Cross for Couples" by Covenant of Love Ministry St. Joseph Catholic Church at 6:30 pm

To Brothers & Sisters In Christ

From: Covenant Of Love Core Team

Join us on Friday, March 27 at 6:30PM

St. Joseph Catholic Church

"The Way of the Cross for Couples"

The Covenant of Love "Date Nights" is a ministry provided to the couples of
our parish to help enrich and support Catholic marriages.

Attendees will discover God's plan for marriage, as well as gain practical
tools to build a stronger and more joy-filled marriage.

This is a perfect time to bring or invite another couple who would also like
to enrich their marriage.

A love offering be taken for the

St. Joseph Covenant of Love Ministry

Contact Albert and Kristina for more information about the Covenant of Love

830-734-5861 or 830-734-4792