Letter to the Editor, The Virgin Mary in current events The Virgin Mary making the news: one an honorable mention, the other a dishonorable mention. First, the honorable mention; the December 2015 cover of National Geographic magazine features the artistic depiction of the face of Mary from the magnificent painting “The Virgin and the Child” by Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi, known as Sandro Botticelli, an Italian painter of the Early Renaissance, with the title story “Mary The Most Powerful Woman in the World” by the accomplished and award-winning writer Maureen Orth. She was married to the late political journalist Tim Russert, who was the moderator of Meet the Press. The article examines the depth and breadth of the devotion to Mary around the world and it is evident that a tremendous amount of research went into the writing of this feature story. The Bible’s New Testament records Mary briefly, but her image...